A Boy and his Dogs

The bond betwen man and beast has begun.

It’s kind of fun to know that Henry will never know what it’s like to not have dogs. Soon, they will be playing ball, romping through sprinklers and running in circles together. I wish we lived in a more remote place so that they could hunt for frogs and chase lizards together as well. We wondered if the dogs would even care about this new addition to the family, and up until the last week or so, they haven’t paid much attention to him except for nudging his little hand whenever we asked “Where’s Henry?” I’ve noticed the last few days though, that Abbie in particular, has taken a sudden gentle and protective interest in the baby. She always lays at my feet when I nurse and will lay her head on my Boppy right next to Henry’s, and has been seen sitting next to him on the floor as he gazes up at his play mat. Don’t get me wrong, while I know that the dogs would never in a million years intentionally hurt Henry, I still never leave them unattended. They are, after all, 75-80 pounds of animal (each!). My fear is not at all that they would bite him or anything like that…but that in their concern for him, might inadvertantly lay too close or otherwise not have full understanding of where their paws go. Either way, it’s been fun to see the pups begin to show interest and protective love. In fact, Abbie was just sniffing his diaper and kept looking back up at me…as if to tell me, ‘hey, the kid is pooped, do something!’ Now if only she had opposable thumbs and could do it for me…hmmmm….

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    in response to your previous post; yes, i have irrational fears, too. i think way too much about somebody breaking into the house and how i could get all the children safely outside because of course, in this scenario, cade isn’t home. i could go on, but i won’t.

    also, i tried calling you–maybe it was your work phone? anyway, do you want to the do cooking classes next week? i’m bugging you only because if the count isn’t high enough, my friend has to cancel her class and she wants to have plenty of time to do that. love the pics of henry and i understand with the disconnect about baby inside vs. baby outside. baby crying now. bye

  2. 2

    thanks for getting back to me. again, i didn’t mean to bug you about it–my friend just asked me to check. sorry you’ll have to miss. have a great weekend!

  3. 3

    Yep, you totally count! I’m so excited to get responses! I’ll email the address you gave me and we’ll try to work out a time in the near future. AND I’ve been wanting to photograph baby baby’s soooo…. :)