On a lighter note…

…don’t know if any of you are interested, but I thought I’d give my mommy friends a head’s up on a couple of good deals I came across today….

Little Tikes is having a big sale and one of the better deals is the Easy Store Sand & Water Table.
Regular price on it is $120.00…but it is on sale for $60…AND it’s buy 1, get 1 free…so you basically are paying $30 per table (75% off!). Shipping is minimal at $17.95 AND you can get even more money off if you use code BKLT0530 for $5 off orders of $30 or more. Long story short, if two of you get together, you can get the tables for a total of $73 (or $36.50 per table). Perfect for summer or an early Christmas gift taken care of? I’d totally be in on one for Henry, but it’ll be a while before he’s big enough to enjoy it…

Also, stopped by Toys R Us today and saw that they have a $7 off coupon for their store brand of diapers (Especially for Baby)…not sure how great they are, but at $8.99 for 96 diapers, I thought it was worth a shot! At least they should be good enough for daytime use…

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Okay when I first saw that picture I wondered, who was over at Jeannett’s house? I don’t recognize those kids! Heehee!

  2. 2

    I had the same reaction as Brianna, “Who are those kids?” =) Thanks for the tip. Somehow we need to pass this post on the the grandmas. =)
    How frightening about Henry’s heart. We will be praying. I can’t wait to hold that sweet little boy.

  3. 3

    okay, you are officially a mommy now. ;)

  4. 4

    I am GAME! Anyone want to go in with me??