Henry, the Grown Up

Henry went to his first meeting today. And he was an angel. Right before I left on maternity leave, a couple of meetings were scheduled for my projects…one on July 10th and again on July 17th. I told my client that unless I was in labor, I planned on attending those meetings. Why, you ask? Not because I’m this dedicated employee (although I do really like my job), but because I will end up dealing with whatever comments/issues are brought up at this meeting when I get back to work in October. So, I packed up Henry and off we went to City Hall. Typically, these meetings last 3o minutes…maybe 45. Today’s meeting: 2.5 HOURS. Henry slept peacefully in his Moby Wrap for most of it…but I was convinced he would wake up at 3:00…which was his next feeding time. Typcially, you can set your watch by his feedings. This time, he slept until the meeting was winding down…at 4:30! I was shocked. Granted, he screamed the whole way home, but that’s okay.

We went to see a lactation consultant yesterday. I’ve been having a hard time nursing, and I guess I just figured that it would hurt in the beginning and get better. Well, it got worse instead. I found myself sobbing through a feeding yesterday morning. So, I called Brenda hysterical and told her that unless she thought of something quick, I was giving this kid formula. She called the LC in Orcutt, and we went to see her at 10 a.m. She was awesome…and taught me that nursing really didn’t have to hurt…by adjusting my hold and how I positioned Henry, I figured out what to do. It was the best 50 bucks I ever spent. In just one short session, I no longer cry when Henry cries to eat. :) It’s weird, she didn’t really tell me anything that the books didn’t already say, but I guess it’s different to have someone actually show you.

We had a rough day yesterday…Henry fussed all day long…and it wasn’t until I told Dori that afternoon at 4:30 that Henry had only slept 2 hours since 4 that MORNING and that I didn’t know what else to do with him. “He’s overtired silly, get that kid to sleep!”. Well, if that wasn’t the biggest “Duh” moment of my life! Of course, anyone who’s ever dealt with kids knows that they need sleep and if they don’t they almost “forget” how to sleep. I knew that, but I guess in my sleep deprived state, my brain was mush and I didn’t even think of it. I put Henry in his crib and let him cry for about 15 minutes…he cried the whole time, but when I went in to pick him up, he fell asleep in my arms in two minutes flat. Apparently he needed to work himself out. The twelve hours of soothing hadn’t helped before the crying episode. I felt awful letting my 2 week old bawl his eyes out, but it was worth it in the end. He started to pull the same stunt today…so, cry it out he did, and he fell asleep in minutes in my arms. Poor guy. I hope he doesn’t have to learn everything the hard way!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    there are so many lessons in motherhood… i wish i just knew them all right from the beginning. glad to hear you are figuring things out! there’s a breast-feeding clinic that’s free in slo. a bit of a drive, i know, but i went there a LOT with my tongue-tied Zeb. of course, i ended up not being able to nurse for my own health reasons, but they were very helpful. i know kate also has gone to them, and i think one of the consultants is a family friend.

  2. 2

    You are so great to hang in there when the nursing gets rough. Everyone sometimes just needs someone to show them exactly what you need to do.

    I may be old, but I have always thought there are some babies that just need to wind down with a cry. I know there are many who disagree, but you have another example in little Henry. You know your own son the best.

    You are such a good mom Jeannett!

    Love you all – give Henry a kiss from Grandma.

  3. 3

    all of my kids had to “cry it out”. We had a system. Put the kid down, let him cry 5 minutes before checking on him, put him back down and let him cry 10 minutes before checking and so on. The kids were usually asleep before we hit 15 min. I’m so glad you have people in your life that can help you when you are having a hard time. You’re doing great!

  4. 4

    lactation consultants are great. there’s a good one in santa maria that is just so encouraging. good for you for hanging in there and seeking out support!!!