Hearts a Plenty

Here’s the scoop on Henry’s heart issue(s):

  • The typical heart murmur issue where there is an opening in the heart that many times closes on it’s own after birth has now completely closed itself fully. So, no issues there. Yippee!
  • Apparently, he also had a hole in his heart (!) between the two chambers…although that has now closed itself to smaller than a pin hole. The doc said that he hadn’t seen a hole that small in years and that it was absolutely nothing to worry about…that for all intents and purposes, it was closed and would be completely gone soon.
  • There is a small valve in each of the heart’s chambers that allows blood to flow from the top to the bottom. This valve works by opening and closing like double doors. Henry’s “doors” are slightly narrowed/don’t open all the way. They measure the narrowness by the difference in pressure between the top and bottom portions of the heart (I’m sure there are medical terms for all this, but I don’t know them). Mild would have a pressure of 30; moderate=50; severe=70 (I don’t know what unit of measure it is either, but you get the point). Henry’s pressure difference was 36…so the Dr. labeled him at between mild and moderate. Many times, the valve will grow wider as the baby grows and essentially fix itself. If it doesn’t, it requires angioplasty…you know, where they put the balloon in there and then blow it up to widen the valve. For now, the narrowing is nothing to worry about…we just have to go back in two months to have it checked. If it is still narrow, then we may need the angio done. Either way, we’re not talking open heart surgery so I’m a lot less anxious about it. And, it may just grow wider as Henry grows…if it doesn’t, it’s a relatively simple procedure (well, as simple as messing with a baby’s heart can be!).

So, great news all around! Thanks a million to everyone who prayed for us during this stressful time. God has been so good to us, and surely taught us that we are NOT in control! (Home birth anyone?) We’re not completely out of the woods, but we are in good shape so far!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Wonderful! Such great news.. sounds like he’ll grow into his heart! Amazing they can measure all that on someone with such a tiny heart! I’m sure you’ll sleep better tonight!

  2. 2

    I am so glad to hear that Henry’s heart is doing better! I will continue to pray for the little guy. By the way – I love the new title of your blog – too cute!

  3. 3

    So glad to here things went well!!! I thought of you guys today. Thanks so much for updating us!

  4. 4

    Praise God for all His miracles and little Henry is an example of many!! I have been worrying throughout the day but did not want to call. I figured I would find out here. I cannot convey how thrilled I am to hear the news and to be so close to the miracles that keep taking place.

    Love you all,

  5. 5

    yay! good news. so glad to hear it! xoxo

  6. 6

    praise the Lord!! so good to hear!

  7. 7

    Oh! I’m so happy! This is good news. We will continue to keep his little heart in prayer.
    Kisses for Henry!

  8. 8

    What an answer to prayer. God is good! All the time!!

  9. 9

    God is so good, hallelujah!.

  10. 10

    just stopped by after meeting you last week at kristens jewelry fundraiser…i had no idea your family was going through so much. so happy to read that god is working in amazing ways for your little guy! i’m glad your ped is dr bravo, he’s amazing!!!! praying for little henry, mom and dad. -michelle

  11. 11

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