Handmade Gifts

Henry is such a lucky little dude. Already, he is so loved it is unbelievable. We were showered with gifts of all kinds both before and after he was born. We didn’t have to buy ANYTHING. All of the gifts are wonderful and much appreciated so thank you to everyone who was so generous. Not to say that the following gifts were “better” than the rest, but I thought they were at least blog-worthy…

Andy’s mom made Henry his first little quilt. I gave her snippets of the fabric for his bedding and she made him this quilt. It is so cute and matches perfectly! Not sure if you can see it in the photos, but the brown has little ants on it (so appropriate for a little boy) and the backing is this really fun airplane pattern. I love it!

My old boss in Solvang is super talented when it comes to sewing and embroidery, so she bought this super soft blankie and embroidered his name on it…in brown of course! It is so awesome and cuddly, I almost wish he was a winter baby so I could use it more often!

The photo above is of Henry’s first walk to the park down the street. We took the dogs and Andy played a little basketball. And yes, he uses a Paci. I really didn’t want to use one…it’s one more thing to lose, one more thing to keep track of, and one more thing to wean. BUT, he would either attempt to use me as a pacifier (which was not about to happen), or he would totally scratch up his face trying to get his thumb into his mouth. Finally, Andy and I gave in. Hopefully we can keep it to a minimum and only use it at night time? Sigh…

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    okay i am just SO offended that my monkey onesie from target didn’t make it onto the post about gifts…i mean really jeannett, circo brand and everything…HA!

    i’m in constant awe of how cute he is. andy’s mom did a wonderful job on that quilt (i LOVE the ants!!!) and that embroidery on the other blanket, adorable.

    don’t worry too much about the pacifier. anna took one for awhile as a little baby but opted for the thumb later (becky is currently cringing. :)) i think it’s normal for babies and small children to comfort themselves. yosef and biniam came to us not able to self-pacify and that was actually really, really hard.

  2. 2

    he’s so cute, i can’t stand it!!!!!!

    i’m totally pro-pacifier if they need it. my pinkie finger still aches when i remember how much my newborns would suck on it. sorry, becky, but for a mommy who can’t nurse, it’s nice to be able to help the babies fulfill their sucking need, which i feel is very important. i big about getting the pacifier away after they turn one (zeb was a little later than that, i’ll admit). nehemiah never took one. thank goodness! he chews his blanket instead…

  3. 3

    If someone would email me her address, I could send my gifts… OR are you just trying to make a hobbled friend have to search the house???
    MaryKay did an amazing job on the quilt!! I love it!!!
    And you know my kids were on the Nuk. There’s nothing wrong with self-pacifing!! As a matter of fact… you can take away the Nuk, but you can’t take away thier finger/thumb!!! Granted, my kids were 3 &4 when I took it away… and I probably shouldn’t have taken Colin’s so early… people always gave me dirty looks, but they didn’t know the circmstance with them being special needs…. so fooey to everyone who passes judgement!!!!
    And you were worried you would have an ugly baby!!!! I just wish I was still in CA…. *sigh*

  4. 4

    oh my goodness he is so cute! and what an amazing quilt!

  5. 5

    Ainsley takes a pacifier, she’s now ten weeks, but more and more we find her sucking on her fist. It will work itself out. Aubrey sucked the inside of her mouth, but recently, at 2, we have been finding her thumb in her mouth occasionally?!?!?

  6. 6

    Funny thing about pacifiers….Ronin hates it, but will succumb to it for a few minutes before he realizes no milk is coming out.