Had my now weekly midwife appointment this morning. Gained 3.5 pounds in a week. Yesterday I looked like the Michelin Man I was so swollen. I've been eating really healthy and walking or swimming for … [Read more...]


They call me Shamu

Another helpful tip to reduce swelling: swimming. Something about the water pressure on the outside of your body and the inside and equilibrium...I don't know, I'm never been good at science. … [Read more...]


I'm never one to forward along emails about friendship or jokes or whatever...although I do get my share from friends. I don't mind getting them, I just never email them along. Anyway, a lot of the … [Read more...]

Good News!

Had an impromptu midwife appointment this morning...I lost three pounds since last Wednesday (that's a first)! Which means that the swelling is going down! Woohoo! My blood pressure was still high, … [Read more...]

My Poor Husband…

So, I did it. I took a picture of myself within minutes of waking up. I'm not a natural beauty in any way, but boy...taking a picture of yourself at 6:32 a.m. is quite the harsh reality. It made me … [Read more...]

A Cucumber A Day…

...keeps the high blood pressure away?I'm not so sure this is working. I've been eating/drinking a full cucumber every day since last Wednesday. Okay, not that long, but for five days anyway. I … [Read more...]

Mini Update

Andy and I had dinner at Brenda's house last night...as Brenda and Tom our friends, not Brenda the midwife (remember, we knew them socially before we decided to use her as my m/w). Anyway, she … [Read more...]