Mini Update

Andy and I had dinner at Brenda’s house last night…as Brenda and Tom our friends, not Brenda the midwife (remember, we knew them socially before we decided to use her as my m/w). Anyway, she mentioned that she was very pleased because I looked MUCH less swollen then on Wednesday. So that’s good.

I’ve been eating my cucumbers, walking and drinking my lemon stuff with gusto. Hopefully it was a false alarm! However, I thought the one cucumber a day thing was for a week or two…turns out it’s until I have the baby! That’s a lot of cucumbers! So, I bought a juicer at Wal Mart last night…at least then I can just chug it in a few minutes instead of nursing it throughout the day! I’ve gotten over the fact that I don’t like them…I’m still not a huge fan, but they’re okay. Problem is that they’re BIG, so it gets old real quick.

Anyway, just thought I’d post that she was happy to see my swelling going down so quickly. Yippee!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Yay – God answered all the prayers. Hang in there with the cucumbers, Jeannett!

    Love you both.

  2. 2

    Yeah Jeannett! So happy for you!

  3. 3

    Woo Hoo! WE have been worrying for you and so glad that you are doing better!! Call me when you can–you did get my message the other day didn’t you??


  4. 4

    Good! I’m glad you and your little one are staying healthy. Can’t wait to meet him!