Nine weeks and counting…

The countdown has officially begun. I am in the SINGLE DIGITS! This is very exciting…not only because I get to meet our little man, but also because it means I can start dieting! :) I’ve never been so motivated in my LIFE! Nothing like a pregnancy to get you out of your “I should lose weight, but never actually do anything about it” rut.
It’s really fun that so many of us girls at Grace are pregnant at the same time. Thirteen of us (although the pic above only shows 8 of us)! What’s fun about this is that if we all stick around for a while, our kids will grow up together and maybe even be friends…shoot, maybe even get married to eachother! (That’s a long shot, but hey, it’s worth a try!…how fun would it be to be in-laws with a couple you already like!)

I have baby showers the next two Saturdays in a row. The grandmas are throwing my “Family” shower down in Los Angeles this Saturday, and my friend Tracy is throwing the “Central Coast Friend” shower the following Saturday in Nipomo. I’m very excited. I can’t wait to see everyone and hang out and just be girly for an afternoon or two.

Life in general has been pretty bland around here. Nothing exciting or dramatic to report. Just chugging along and looking forward to my maternity leave. I can technically take 6 weeks before the baby off, but I think I might go stir crazy home alone all day for that long. If I already had a child, it would be different, but to just be alone might make me obsess on things I have no business obsessing about. So, I’m thinking of taking off starting July 1. Two weeks before…I can relax, finish up last minute details and enjoy my final days of freedom. It’s kind of crazy to think that once the baby gets here, my ENTIRE LIFE as I know it, will change. FOREVER. So, a little 2 week vacation might be a good idea.

There. I posted. Quite the waste of internet space.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    not a waste. :)

    you might feel pretty crummy those last two weeks, but i do hope you enjoy it! i remember taking naps when i was pregnant with my first one, just enjoying that last bit of freedom.

  2. 2

    13 people are pregnant at Grace! Crazy! Who is missing from the picture?

  3. 3

    I can’t believe how fast it’s gone… probably not quite as fast for you since you are living it… but fast for me who’s 1400 miles away! I can’t wait to see what Master Gibson will look like! Do enjoy your time of quiet. It’s like the eye of the storm :)

  4. 4

    brianna – yep! and at the beach/park tonight.

  5. 5

    Stacy Thomas is pregnant again!? Yay! Somebody tell her I said hello and congrats!