
So, I know this is silly, but do you ever freak out that your kid might be ugly? I don’t mean ugly as in a “not a beauty pageant winner”…but ugly like “ewwww, how sad”.

Let’s face it. There are ugly people, which means there must be ugly babies. Granted, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a genuinely ugly baby, but it happens. I’m sure of it.

People tell me that even if my baby IS ugly, I won’t think so. Dori says that this is God’s way of making sure we take care of our kids and don’t abandon them. Still, I don’t want to be that delusional mom that coos over her little monkey, and everyone around is silent not knowing how to respond everytime she says “Isn’t he so cute?!” That’s awkward. I don’t want my friends to feel awkward around me.

Okay, so before I sound completely shallow, I obviously care a lot more about my child’s character, etc. But that’s not the point of this post. I’m just rambling and this is what I chose to ramble about this time.

Anyway, I’m hoping Baby Boy isn’t a monkey. But I guess even if he is, it’s not like I can take him back. So, I just want to apologize now in case I make my friends feel awkward in case he’s not all that cute and I don’t know it.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Think about it this way. You are cute. Gibby is cute. Master Gibson SHOULD be cute, too. And remember… newborns are UGLY!

    I was pathetic when I was preggers and hospitalized all the time. I would sit and do those silly biology squares… crap, can’t think of what they are called right now… where you map the dominant and recessive genes to determine what the chances of each trait would be. Talk about lame! Keely came out looking like a buggy eyed orangutan and Colin came out looking like an ugly old man. AND… as they have grown… come on. Uly isn’t the best looking kid. I’m not dumb. I would say that at least he has personality to make up for it… but with the Autism… poor kid. He really didn’t luck out. Oh well. I love him.

    I’m sure I’ll love Master Gibson no matter if he comes out looking like Don Knotts :)

  2. 2

    Jeannett you crack me up. Newborns are all splotchy and scrunchy (I don’t think they’re ugly tho), but when you get to hold your cuddly new baby and marvel at God’s miracle of life and of birth, you love them so much and they are so precious and beautiful to you!!!

    I’ve only seen one truly HIDEOUS baby before (and don’t worry, you and Andy won’t have a kid that looks like this one did). Honestly I think the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen was (shoutout to the Cheneys) Lily. She was so beautiful–and still is. :)

  3. 3

    ha! you’re too funny! I guess I wondered with nehemiah if he’d be as cute as zeb, and it turned out he was. but i didn’t worry too much. i was the type of person who just wanted her baby to live and couldn’t bring myself to ask that he/she be healthy and cute. i guess i thought if i prayed for too many things, he/she might not live. and after having miscarriages, all i cared about was having a baby with a heart beat and that survived. but i don’t think you’re silly for wanting him to be cute! i think that’s very normal. i do think dori is right, though. and i’m sorry but i won’t be bursting your bubble if you’re baby is ugly (is that possible?) and you don’t know it. i’ll just go along with it!

  4. 4

    i tagged you on my blog. go check it out!

  5. 5

    1st off, thanks brianna!
    2nd – i thought lily was beautiful too, but as i look back at newborn pictures, i wondered why i took so many! she wasn’t nearly as cute as i had remembered, actually a bit ugly (i’m so glad she can’t read yet! sorry lily!)
    i think most babies are a bit funny looking, but almost always beautiful when they’re sleeping.
    i will not tell you if your baby is ugly, but i also won’t lie and say he’s cute if he hasn’t mastered the gibson genes yet. regardles, he’ll do cute things like sleep anywhere, have a funny wobbly head, coo and gurgle, and some times go cross-eyed (i’ve found that a couple taps on the forehead cures that!).

  6. 6

    I’m not exactly striking. We’ll see, but monkey child, I doubt it will be.

  7. 7

    I love that you were brave enough to post that. I was a little worried about Caedra being ugly too. Actually my first thought when they put her in my arms was “Oh, she’s beautiful.” I was surprised. =)
    Then she started drinking my “heavy whipping cream” breast milk and the poor girl got extra chubby. Oh well. At least I never worried if she was getting enough to eat like most breast feeding mom’s do. =)

  8. 8

    This cracked me up!

    I have found all 4 of my babies gorgeous. My last baby came out with his nose squished right to the side (it corrected itself in a few days), a hairy forehead and a birthmark and he was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Now of course, I look back and see a squished purple hairy baby but he has really grown into his features.