Letter to a long lost friend…

Dear Sleep,

Hi, it’s me, Jeannett. We’ve been great friends for a long time. Spending at least 8 hours together every single day. In fact, you’re one of my favorite things. Yet, lately, it seems as if we’ve had a falling out of sorts…only I’m not quite sure why. It seems, however, to coincide with my pregnancy. Are you feeling neglected, or hurt that soon there will be a small screaming thing to come between us during our usual time together (nights)? If so, please understand that it will be only a temporary thing and nothing that should cause you to stop visiting me now . You have been really inconsistent and that hurts me. I know we spent about 2 and a half hours together last night, but really, a girl has needs you know. And 2.5 hours is NOT meeting those needs. I need you for at least 7 hours, preferably 8. I understand if you are mad at me about my ever expanding belly and the fact that we can no longer be on our backs or tummies, but that doesn’t mean that our time together has to suffer so severely. I’ve tried acupuncunture to woo you back, I’ve bought a body pillow in hopes you would appreciate the gesture, there was even the $30 bottle of calcium magnesium from the health food store. Sure, you’ve been around here and there, but you’ve been so easily offended lately. I know I’ve been sick with a cold all week, but since when have you gotten so sensitive? You were the one thing I could always rely on. And now, you just leave me at the drop of a hat. Please rethink your position and let us get reacquainted once again. I miss you. I want you back.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    So Sad!! Poor thing, you must be exhausted. I’ll start praying that your little guy is a good sleeper when he comes out. Pregnancy is definitely a miracle, but it can be… interesting. Hang in (or out:)) there!

  2. 2

    Poor Jeannett. I don’t know about you, but I do not function well without sleep. So did your love letter work? Has Sleep taken you back? You are so creative. =)

  3. 3

    Can I borrow your letter to sleep? I would like mine back, too. He seems to keep plaguing me with rather odd and not so friendly dreams which keep me up all night…..
    Just think… it will be over soon!!!!!