Buddha Belly Pic #2

Here it is. My “blossoming” self at 26 weeks and 3 days (but 31 cm!). Forgive the bright red nose…I’m fighting off a cold. I do believe my butt sticks out as far as my belly, however, I also believe that I just don’t care. I give up. All I have to say is that I better like this kid. If not, that’ll really suck.

I don’t see myself from the side very often so it’s kind of weird to see my belly from a completely different angle. Is it just me or does it look kind of pointy? The waddle walk is alive and well. We went to Costco tonight and Andy ended up way ahead of me while I stopped to look at something and I waddled as fast as my legs could carry me, all the while being very aware of how ridiculous I looked. Pregnant women are a funny lot. I’d crack myself up if I saw myself around town. You should see me bending down to pick something up. You would think I was 125 years old. I even grunt. How feminine. It’s a good thing my husband loves me. I actually feel bad for husbands. I mean, here I am gaining weight like a baby hippo, my whole body is changing daily, my moods swing like a tire hung from a tree, I waddle like a duck, and I shop for new clothes continuously! Poor guy. Remind me to feel sorry for him when I’m not pregnant anymore.

Baby Boy Gibson is kicking vigorously…which always cracks me up. I mean, where do you think you’re going? What’s all the movement for? It’s not like you’re going to the grocery store in there. Andy had his head on my belly listening to him move around…and kept getting kicked in the ear. It was cute.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    That cold is probably from the Buchanan household. Tess had it last week, and I had a touch of it over the weekend. I am sooooo sorry my dear!

    Bad Aunt Peggy!

    As I said in the other post, YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!!

    Love you both lots! Well, guess I now need to say “love the three of you lots”!! :)

  2. 2

    great belly pic! i suppose we should feel sorry for the husbands, but really, we are the ones going through it.

    yes, that last post that got deleted was mine. there was a grammatical error. the english major in me couldn’t stand that. sometimes i misspell things, but i can’t stand leaving a grammatical error.

  3. 3

    nope, your belly doesn’t look pointed to me! just thought I would let you know.

    hahaha! about your hubby getting kicked in the head by the baby. That’s what he gets for requesting a boy…

  4. 4

    I love your belly! I just feel so sad that I can’t see you. *sigh* You look all cute like a duck!