Belly Update

I had another midwife appointment this morning. I managed to get through it without crying this time, which was nice. All is well with my baby belly. I just have to eat more green veggies and pay attention to portion sizes. Which is pretty difficult for me because I’m not a veggie kind of gal. But, I have to figure out how to get more in nonetheless. She said my diet wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought it was going to be (she made me write down everything I had been eating since I last saw her). There are some things that I need to try and do to cut back on unnecessary calories, but overall, the lecture was minimal. She said she’s just concerned about how uncomfortable I’ll be based on how short I am and the fact that I’m due in the middle of summer.

Baby boy is still growing like a weed…I am 26 weeks along, and my uterus measured at THIRTY ONE cm!!! Yea, that’s 5 cm more than “typical”. Granted, when she saw my face and I said “thirty one???!!!” she said, “well, let me try again…I can squeeze it back to 30 cm if it makes you feel better.” Not really. She also suggested that I start drinking less milk…(I drink a ton of milk)…not only because it’s fattening and you really only need one 8 oz. glass per day, but also because too much milk makes the baby’s head really hard and big…which as you can imagine is less than ideal. So, more veggies, less milk. Got it.

Andy got to listen to the heartbeat using a stethescope thing. She said the head is already in position. If I didn’t know better I would wonder if my due date was wrong! He’s all ready to come out and play!

I called a lady who does daycare recommended to me by a co-worker on the way home from my appointment. She seemed really nice, had a really thick French accent, and used to be a preschool teacher. She never has more than 6 kids…no more than two of which can be infants (under 2). She’s relatively “cheap” at $30/day. I don’t know what we plan on doing in terms of baby care when I go back to work, but I’ve been told to start calling NOW, because anyone who is good has a waiting list. This woman said she may be able to take mine in come October/November (which is when I’d go back to work after 3 months’ leave). We’ll see…she was my first phone call, and Andy and I need to talk some things over in more detail before I commit to anyone or anything. In the meantime, it was kind of nice to get some basic information and not feel completely awful after hanging up the phone.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    If it helps, I measured big during my whole pregnancy and my little guy popped out weighing 7lbs 9oz – not too bad. I couldn’t stand fruits and veggies while I was pregnant, but was able to sneak them in by getting a Jamba Juice once in a while. And getting the one with 1/3 less everything helped not contribute too many extra calories.

  2. 2

    Jeannett my new little boy wants a playmate. So I think your guy should come play at my house at least once a week!!

  3. 3

    do you cry at every appointment because your excited? or because your midwife’s suggestions? You look great to me. After I saw you on Friday at Lindey’s I thought you were blooming beautifully.

  4. 4

    I cried because I have to weigh myself every time.

  5. 5

    So, go ahead and weigh–just tell the midwife you don’t want to know!! That is entirely your choice! I remember choosing not to know as it sent me into a tailspin because with all three pregnancies I gained at least 50 llbs. I think you look great!!

    Peg :)

  6. 6

    Back in the good old days people smoked and drank through their pregnancies. I think it’s fine if you skip the veggies form time to time.