And I’m off!

I’ll be offline for a few days starting tomorrow. I’m leaving for Eden Prairie, Minnesota to attend the Children’s Ministry Conference at John Piper’s church. Grace is sending me and Dori Iunker (the Children’s Ministry Director) and our flight leaves SLO at 11:30 tomorrow morning. We won’t be back until 10:00 p.m. Sunday night.

I’m pretty excited. Dori said that the conference is amazing and we will be in town to hear John Piper give his sermon Sunday morning (or Saturday night). That’s pretty cool. Oh, and we’ll be sure to make some time to stop by the Mall of America! Woohoo! I’m thinking of packing two suitcases lightly so that I have room to bring stuff back! :)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Hope you see lots of doilies and roses at the conference! (Maybe Emilie will be there too.)

  2. 2

    PLEASE DO NOT LET TESS KNOW YOU WERE AT THE MALL OF AMERICA!! Every year when we talk about a vacation, she wants to go there and spend 2 weeks shopping. I do hope you don’t get lost and are home in time for the baby’s birth!

    Peg ;)

  3. 3

    My mom is friends with John Piper! she knew him in school I think, so when we go back to visit fam in MN we try to stop at his church, Bethlehem Baptist, right? Anywho, if you happen to meet him, tell him you know Kim Borsgard’s daughter… :0)

  4. 4

    i have always wanted to go to the mall of america!!! oh my goodness, how fun! oh yes, and it will be excellent to hear john piper preach. (notice my priorities! ha!)

  5. 5

    How fun! I was going to say be sure and ride a roller coaster for me, but considering your pregnant, just eat a cinnamon roll in my honor… there’s got to be a cinnamon roll shop in there somewhere right? :)