Spring has Sprung!

Whatever the exact opposite of a green thumb, is…that’s what I have. I really wish I was better with plants, but somehow, no matter how many times I’ve read Gardening For Dummies (yes, I own it and read it more than once), I manage to kill everything. Either I overwater or underwater. I can’t seem to find the right mix. Even still, I refuse to give up. So, every Spring, I buy little flowers to plant in my many multi-colored pots on the back patio. And, then they die, and I have to re-buy them all come Summer. And then those die, and I let my little multi colored pots look shabby and lonely with nothing but some ugly dried out twigs and dirt in them. Luckily, Wal-Mart is cheap, so I can do it all (twice) for about $20. Andy says it’s a waste of money…and he’s right, but for those fleeting few weeks when my back patio is colorful and fragrant, it’s totally worth it.

This year, I thought I’d try something new, and plant some tulip bulbs. I consulted my Dummy book, and learned that you have to plant them in January or February. I convinced an unwilling, albeit supportive, husband to help me dig up the garden and plant over 200 bulbs. In true Jeannett fashion, I had left the bulbs out in the garage in their Home Depot bag for a few weeks and they were all moldy. I wasn’t sure they’d bloom anymore, but I wasn’t about to tell a sweaty and tired Andy that. So, after a couple of hours, they were planted…mold and all. The thing that stinks about bulbs is that you put in a lot of work and when you’re done, it’s just dirt. No pretty colors, no bright green…nothing. And so, we went on with our lives and completely forgot about them.

Suddenly, a few days ago, I looked out the window, and there they were! The prettiest pink and purple tulips happily growing away! It was a pleasant surprise, seeings how I didn’t really think they would grow. (And as you can see there, are nowhere near 200 tulips…but more might grow later?). I painstakingly cut 5 of the tulips for the kitchen table…and felt awful about it. But, I guess the whole point is for my (our) enjoyment, and the kitchen always looks so much more cheery with fresh flowers. Let’s see how long they last. And let’s hope that I have better luck raising a human than I do flowers!

I’ve also (obviously) made some changes to my blog. I had never really liked the template I had before, but I never really had the energy to change it. But now, the blogger peer pressure is on, with everyone else updating their blog, I felt the need to keep up. :)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    and you say you’re not creative?! what beautiful flowers. i’m inspired, but i guess i’ll have to wait until next winter

  2. 2
    Anonymous says:

    I planted pink & purple tulips at the new house, too! Mine are SUPER dark purple and much lighter pink, tho. :)
    Bulbs are so much fun! Also, don’t waste your money on annuals. They just die after a few weeks and you have to rebuy. You know my love of gardening… I’ve spent about $400 on the new house thus far and I’m not nearly done!!! Trees, bulbs, vines… Gardening is actually one of the most calorie burning things you can do :)

  3. 3

    gorgeous tulips!! how springy!

  4. 4

    Sooo pretty! And Andy’s okay with pink decor in the house, I’m a little surprised, but most pleased. :)

    (Loved the anecdote about you not telling Andy they got all moldy, HA!)

  5. 5

    okay, i have to comment on the fact that your house looks like a doll house. i remember you’re post awhile back about the color of your house, but with all the colored pots outside, it just looks so girly and “fisher price” (there’s nothing wrong with fisher price, by the way). just makes me laugh. doesn’t seem like you! actually, it really doesn’t seem like andy!

  6. 6

    Kristen- You’re right, it really isn’t “me”, but I can explain! The multi-colored pots are really just a result of the fact that most other colors that are more “me” (black, red, blue, green) would clash with a purple house…so I went with jewel tones. The house is a rental, so I’m stuck with purple (or it would certainly be a more subdued color by now!). My house decor colors are wine, sage, cream, black…the pink/red table runner is my Valentine’s Day/Easter runner. Usually, the table has a green striped thing on it.