It’s a BOY!

Can you believe it??? I, for one, am shocked. And, if I’m honest, a little bummed too. I totally thought it was a girl. If I was a gambling gal, I would have put money on it. I knew exactly which crib bedding I wanted, and had visions of sparkly flip flops and pink tea sets in my head. Instead, I get slugs and mud…don’t get me wrong, I’m sure I’ll be fine by tomorrow morning, I think it just kind of shocked me. In fact, most everyone I know also thought it would be a girl, so imagine my surprise when the doctor said: “yup, pretty sure it’s a boy.” “What? Did you just say boy?” “Yea, it’s not the clearest picture, but I’m more than 90% sure.” (and by the way, this doctor has never been wrong). The picture above shows what are supposed to be the business end of things. It’s kind of hard to tell, but if you picture sitting a naked baby on top of a xerox machine, this is the view you would get. The little ‘x’ is supposedly his…um, twins. (Poor kid will be mortified when he gets older and realizes I posted his stuff on the internet!)

Andy, of course, is pleased as punch. He just grinned during the whole thing. The first thing he said to me when we got outside: “Told you.” Punk. Way to be humble.

The picture above is of his little face…it kinda looks like a skull, but Andy seems to think it looks like him. Weirdo. So, to top it all off, the first thing the kid does is flip us off. I’m not even kidding. The doctor says “that wasn’t very nice”. Then, as he’s trying to get a cute face picture, he says “he’s just so active, I’m having a hard time getting him to sit still long enough to take a picture.” And, for now anyway, the baby is measuring a little big (in the 50-75th percentile). Great. If this isn’t an omen, I don’t know what is. A giant, rude and hyperactive kid. Hmmm, reminds me a bit of his father… :)

So there’s the big news. We’re having a son. I see lots of grease, car oil and off roading adventures in my future.

In pregnancy news, this whole mini-heat wave thing is not making me very happy. I officially took my wedding ring off my finger this morning and now wear it around my neck on a chain. It fits fine in the morning, but by mid day, my hands, feet and calves have been swelling up. It’s really pleasant. Or not. It frightens me a bit considering that I’m already this icky feeling and I’m only 5 1/2 months along and it’s only MARCH. I can’t imagine what I’m going to feel like when I’m 9 months and it’s July. That said, I must admit, I’m kinda enjoying pregnancy a bit right now (besides the swelling). I think I finally look pregnant, and not just fat, so I feel like one of those cute pregnant ladies right now (if that’s not true, keep it to yourself please!). In another month I may change my mind. But for now, I’m not entirely uncomfortable and strangers see my belly and smile at me. It’s kinda nice. Like we live in the 50’s when people were actually off their cell phones long enough to interact…

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    aw, yay! little boys can be so cute!!!

    Hey, they say it’s not supposed to be as hot today, thank goodness!! things are supposed to start cooling off and feeling like spring again!

  2. 2
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Jeannett,

    Sorry, but Brian and I both had a feeling it was a boy too. I thought maybe it was because I had two of them, and so I dismissed it, but we were right too! Little boys are so fun, and they love their mommies for sure. They have fun with dad, but when they’re upset or hurt, it is mommy they want. I’m excited! Hope you’re feeling better today about it. Love you both – Mary Kay/Mom/Grandma

  3. 3

    congrats on having a boy! you’ll have so much fun, i promise! and i do hear boys are so sweet to their mamas growing up (if you raise them right). :) i’m personally afraid of the emotional rollercoasters girls have.

  4. 4

    I took my wedding ring off at 5 months too. Unfortunately it never really fit well again. My fingers grew instead of my feet. After I get my weight off with this one, I plan to get it resized. So sad…

    Congrats on your little man.