Help Me Decide!

While shopping around for bedding sets online for a while, I quickly realized that I hated all of them. Especially the boy stuff. It seems like little boys only have the choice of jungle theme, stars and moons (which is kinda girly if you ask me), or, as Brianna likes to call it Baseball Bears. Beyond not being much enthralled with the “themes” available, it seems like the designers forgot there were other colors in the spectrum besides blue. Blue background, blue design, blue, blue, blue…just too much! I found a woman online who does custom baby bedding…at a ridiculously steep price ($350 for just the bumper and skirt!). But, I did find that a friend of a co-worker is willing to make the bedding for me for cost of materials and $25! I probably could make it myself, but for $25, I don’t really feel the need to stress myself out.

I ordered some fabric swatches, but now I can’t decide which ones I like best! So I need your help deciding! In both cases, the polka dots would be used for the bumper and the stripes for the skirt. I’m gonna do a vintage airplane theme in the room…but have no real theme for the bedding, that way I can change my mind with subsequent baby boys.

This first set of prints are blue, beige, and brown. I love these fabrics. Soooo, cute! The only problem I have is: blue and brown is sooo trendy right now. Will it look dated in 6 months time? Will it look really dated for baby boy #2? Andy immediately chose this set. He said it’s more “manly” and he thinks the muted colors would go better with a vintage airplane theme.

This set of prints is more traditional. (The green isn’t nearly as lime in real life as they are in these pics.) I really like these too. The colors should be easy to match throughout the room and I think they’re pretty timeless.

The polls are open, place your votes now!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Anonymous says:

    I really like the first pattern. It looks more vintage-y to me. I don’t think it looks trendy – it seems more classic and does go better with the vintage airplane theme. If you haven’t already, you should check out Pottery Barn Kids – they actually have some really cute vintage airplane crib bedding. It’s not just the boring blue – it has greens, reds, brown, plaid. Good luck on a hard decision :)

  2. 2

    i like the first one, too. i definitely don’t think it will go out of style for quite some time! so fun! and what a deal–$25!!! that rocks :)

  3. 3
    Anonymous says:

    I have always been more of an earthy gal. My vote is for the first. Rather vintage looking, very easy colours to match with later kids (even if it’s a girl or the dreaded “we can’t see the sex at all”), plus, didn’t you just write about the doctor having his first wrong ever :)
    Although I do enjoy the latter colour choice (I went that route with Colin), I really am drawn to the vintage earthy natural choice.

  4. 4

    Awesome, my vote is winning.

  5. 5

    That is a hard one for me. I like the first one but I am with Jeanette I think it might go out of style quickly. As for the second choice I love the stripe but not the green poka dots. With that said I don’t know which ones I would choose. The scary thing is I was thinking about doing bold primary strips and poka dots, if we have a boy!! Good luck with your choice!

  6. 6

    the first set by far. i’m totally in to the blue and brown (working on a big boy bed quilt for zeb in those colors in corduroy) and don’t think it will be out in 6 months because really it’s been around awhile.

    zeb’s crib set was barnyard (all kinds of colors), which is adorable, and the next boy will probably use that. nehemiah’s is one fish two fish, which was very popular and pretty hard to find, but it’s got more mid-blue and mid-green with poka dots and plaid and fish.

  7. 7

    O.K. so I know we really only say “hi” at church from time to time.. (I read your previous blog about how awkward it is relative strangers know the day to day stuff on your blog. But hey, your fault. :) Start writing things that aren’t AT ALL interesting, and I’ll stop snooping… Your blog provides me much needed comic relief on a regular basis. I’ve also been meaning to ask you where you work. How did your co-workers even have TIME to pull off that joke?) Anyway, I can’t pass up an opportunity for an opinion poll. Especially one about a subject that I am personally failing in miserably. So here goes.. I like the blue and brown. I’m kind of a beige girl myself, but just remember I’m bad at this. :) Hope we can still be friends. If it makes you feel any better, my kids’ bedding has always been white, then I mix it up with pillows and blankets depending on the gender. See I couldn’t even make a decision, so you’re really looking good now!

  8. 8

    Ok ladies,

    So you would think that based on the blog comments that the blue/brown combo is winning by a landslide…except that every woman I work with has chosen the green/blue! (They say that it’s more “babyish” and the brown is cute, but more grown up). So, it’s 50/50! I do think I am definately leaning towards the brown…but I’m gonna give it another day or two before I decide officially. I think I’m going to actually tape the fabric pieces to the crib and see what I think after a few hours.

    Erika: Good to hear my blog is good for something! I’m glad it offers you some relief, although I don’t consider myself especially funny! I work for a private planning firm…and really, we DON’T have the time for that kind of stuff, but I guess when you think of a great prank like that, you FIND the time! :)

  9. 9
    Anonymous says:

    i pick green@!!!

  10. 10

    Oh I LOVE the brown/blue swatches! I’m voting for those, being that I’m such a trendy person and all (hahaha, oh that’s a good one.) No seriously I really love those colors.

    (And how come Andy ALWAYS wins? First he was sure it was a boy, and by golly it was. NOW his bedding choice is winning too!)

    Erika I seriously think you should start a blog too!

  11. 11

    i love the 1st one too. in fact, i’m in search of fabric for my boy-in-the-belly in very similar colors. where did you find those? also, although i agree with your coworkers that the 2nd is more babyish, i think you may get tired of the bright colors sooner. and i really think the 1st set of fabrics looks much more classic. so now with another vote, i believe the brown and blue should officially be winning!

  12. 12

    Lindsey, I got them at It’s kind of a weird site to navigate, but they have the BEST prices. I think I typed in stripes and then dots…I tried Betty’s, but believe it or not, with the millions of fabrics they have, I couldn’t find ANYTHING I liked!

  13. 13

    I just hopped on over here from Brianna’s blog. Go with the brown!

  14. 14

    Brianna, I always win, because I’m awesome.

    What can I say, it’s my boy. I have to win.

  15. 15

    Sorry Jeannette, I am going to have to go with the Browns too… I do really like the greens and blues, but the brown and blue combo has always been something that I really liked… anywho, good luck picking officially!!

  16. 16
    Anonymous says:

    Christian placed his vote this morning. Again, another vote for your choice.
    You’re going to win this one! Especially if future kid is a girl, you will get vetoed on everything :)

  17. 17

    I’m not voting again… I really just wanted to say Thanks Brianna for your vote of encouragement. Funny, but I was really very happy you might want me to blog :) You made my morning!

    Jeannett, I think I may have thought of a way you and your husband could both “win.” This idea came to me while reading your husband’s victory speech. So, in the spirit of unity (ha, ha) I thought of a good compromise. You make the baby’s bedding in the blue and brown, but make your son’s dolly’s bedding in the yellow and green. I’m just guessing from your description of him, that he went out and purchased a baby doll for your son the minute he found out it was a boy. :) Hey, men are daddies. It’s masculine.

  18. 18
    Anonymous says:

    Ok, so I’m breaking down and voting, so as to avoid getting in trouble Jeannett. I would have to vote for the first one, tready, simple,vintage, super cute. As for the reusing issue, who knows maybe your second child will be a girl, along with your next 7 kids:-) Who did you order your fabric swatches from? For more fabric and pattern ideas there is a print and pattern blog that just did a week on kids stuff. I can e-mail you the link.

  19. 19

    Okay, let it be known that BECKY has posted a comment!

    (I mean it Erika! Get to blogging girl!)

  20. 20

    Hey Chick-a-dee

    I like the bright colors better–the first swatches are nice but may be a little trendy. Besides I think that husband of yours needs knocked down a notch or two. He did not get that arrogant attitude from my side of the family !!! That is for sure!!

    Oh how I hope that sonogram was wrong!!

    Love you both lots and lots,
    Peg ;)

  21. 21

    I’m kind of leaning toward the bright colors. The browns and blues are really fun and very ‘in’ right now, but when I imagine walking into a baby’s room I always imagine bright colors. So I’m going against the flow and voting for the green and blue! (Plus it’s tradition for me to disagree with Andy). =) ~Lara

  22. 22

    Speaking of sprucing up blogs, yours looks awesome!!! (And the colors even match those swatches I voted for!)

  23. 23

    Hope it’s not too late to vote. I choose the bright colors. Bright colors are good for baby’s brain. I’m a teacher and I know these things! And my credibility should go up because I’m voting against my son. Sorry, Andy!

    Love you both –

  24. 24
    Anonymous says:

    Jeanett I think that the brown and blue are timeless and they have my vote! If you do any blankets or curtains in this type of fabric it can easily be used throughout his childhood without looking babyish. A win win situation. :)
    – Kate Hasson

  25. 25

    I pick number one. Number two seemed neutral to me and could be used for a girl too. My daughters bedding is backed in blue and has bugs all over it. I girled it up by adding bright butterflies onto the walls!!! I think it is great that you are going this route. I hate how expensive all this stuff is. I got daughter #2’s bedding on for $60. Much better than the $250 price tags in all the stores!