The funny thing about blogging…

…is that people actually read it. I’m really not all that interesting or making any earth shattering revelations, and yet, I’m always shocked by how many people actually take the time to read my blog. I’m not surprised when close friends and family read…after all, we know and love each other. But I’m always surprised when someone I hardly know walks up to me and comments about something I’ve written. I look at them surprised, thinking: ‘okay, I know I didn’t tell you that, because we don’t really talk…so how on earth do you know that about me???’ and then I remember that, oh yeah, I blog. And then, the funniest part of all, is that my initial reaction is: ‘hey, that’s an invasion of my privacy…except that yea, I posted this information publicly on the internet.’ Duh, Jeannett. But until I make the connection, there is a moment of feeling like someone was listening in on your telephone conversation, or reading your diary. Which, I guess, is what a blog is…an online diary. And frankly, there are things I don’t blog about, for precisely that reason. It’s just strange to have someone say something like “Oh, are you sleeping any better yet?” and you know this person, yet, you don’t really talk to them…so you are caught off guard wondering why they would be asking. Maybe you have to be a blogger to understand this phenomenon…

In terms of baby news, Andy got to feel the baby kick for the first time on Wednesday night. He was very excited. He had been feeling a little left out because I could feel movement, but he couldn’t. He’s still speaking to his son, and trying to forge some sort of special treaty against mom. I told him he needs to prepare himself and not be too bummed if the baby is in fact, a little girl.

Oh, and another quick story: Andy saw our midwife the other day and she asked him “Are you guys excited about the baby? Are you okay with it all?” And he says “Yea, we’re excited, why?” “Oh, it’s just that you and Jeannett are so flat about it when you come see me.” So I totally got my feelings hurt and feel guilty that we might be giving people the vibe that we don’t love our baby! I’m a bad parent already and it’s still inside me! Can you imagine the damage I’m going to do to this child when it finally comes out??? So now, I’m going to be all self conscious about it at our next visit and probably over do it. But in case you were wondering the same thing, I (we) do love our little peanut, and it’s very happy right now doing the cha-cha in my belly as I type these very words. :)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Anonymous says:

    your such a dork… i swear i love your little peanut too…. my fav niece well my only and first….

  2. 2
    Anonymous says:

    Oh Jeannett,
    It’s called taking things/life in stride. You are having a baby–you don’t need to be jumping around (get the visual picture of a pregnant woman jumping) giggling about it–that’s not who you are nor who Andy is. I am sorry she said that to him and I do understand why you will feel uncomfortable–I would feel that way too. I can only encourage you to enjoy your pregnancy the way you feel comfortable–it’s nobody elses business.

    Love you,
    Peg on her soapbox!

  3. 3

    Just posting to say I am SO EXCITED to find out the gender of this baby! PLEASE let me know what it is as soon as you’re telling people!!! Also wished I could’ve chatted more after church. Hope to see you soon.

  4. 4

    As a stranger who reads your blog… although I feel like I really know your husband after some of those debates that Brianna sparks on her blog… there are ways to make your blog private where you have to be invited to read it. My friends do that and you just have to put in your email when you try to log on.

    I do get a little creeped out by the thought of some child predator learning about my kiddos and approaching them with information that would make them feel safe. I’ll definitely want to do something else to get info out by the time my daughter starts school. Now I’m creeped out again. Great.

    I’m 35 weeks pregnant and probably don’t seem excited. I’m thrilled to meet my daughter, but so uncomfortable that I am sure I send off a negative vibe. Who cares. The baby knows I love it.