A very big Thank You…

…to my very generous boss. My boss is really awesome (and no, I’m not just typing that because she might see this…in fact, I don’t think she even knows this blog exists). But she is incredibly generous. Every fundraising dinner, every “buy a tile” event, you name it, if it happens in Santa Maria or Orcutt you can count her in. Well, last weekend was a fundraiser dinner for the local chapter of the Special Olympics. Unfortunately, Andy and I couldn’t take her up on the 2 extra tickets she bought because we already had dinner planned with one of his clients. Anyway, Monday afternoon, she asks me to come out to her car. I asked if we were going somewhere and if I should grab my purse. She says “no, I just need some help getting some stuff out of my car”…I remember thinking that it was odd that she would ask her pregnant employee to help her lug stuff out of her SUV, but I wasn’t about to protest. She opens up her trunk, and lo and behold, there is a ton of adorable baby stuff! She just stood there and grinned. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and assume it was for me, because how awkward would it be if it wasn’t? I thought, maybe she got this for a niece and she’s just showing me, figuring I would appreciate the items. Then, she tells me she won it in the silent auction portion of the fundraising event. Ok, I thought, is she wanting to sell it to me? Finally, she mentions it is for ME!

She saw it in the line up of stuff and decided she had to win it for me. I have no idea how much it cost her, but I’m sure it wasn’t retail…being a fundraiser and all. Anyway, it’s so awesome that she is so supportive and the stuff is ADORABLE. (It was donated by Johnson’s…so those of you locals know that automatically means it’s super cute).

Anyway, I feel so blessed to have such a great job that I love and boss that is so wonderful to work with.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Your boss rocks! We got the “Baby Papasan” for Abby, and she loves it. Funny thing is, her 2-year-old brother loves it, too… he kicks back in it, turns the vibration on, and watches tv. What a life, huh? Anyway, congrats on the cool stuff!

  2. 2

    That is great!!! Too fun, what a blessing.