People are funny…

Below is a compilation of the some of the more interesting things I’ve heard when I told someone I was having a home birth:

  • Is this a religion thing? I’m not sure the Bible has anything to say about the location of your child’s birth, but in general, no, this is not a “religion thing”.
  • Are you going to take your baby to a pediatrician when it gets sick or are you just gonna buy a home remedy book? Do I really have to answer this? Of course I’m going to take my kid to the doctor! What on earth…
  • Do you think you’re too good to have a baby in a hospital like everyone else? Random. Absolutely random. Yes, please keep me away from all the commoners…I wouldn’t dare want to breathe in their same vicinity much less birth near them.
  • What if the baby dies? And what if pigs come flying out of my rear end? What kind of a question is that???

I’m sure I’ll get way more than that in the remaining five months…but for now, that’s the list. Most people respond with genuine interest…basic questions of why and how, and seem pretty supportive of the whole thing. I’m not sure I’ve convinced them to do it themselves, but that’s not my agenda anyway.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Oh I love this post! My goodness, people are funny aren’t they? I think you should have your baby wherever you’re most comfortable. I forget, did you always know you wanted a home birth?

  2. 2

    Yea, pretty much. I was first introduced to the idea by my best friend’s mom…she had her first three at home and then had to deliver her twins via c-section. Her stories of how much more at peace and comfortable she was at home were great…and then we met Brenda a few years ago, and it kind of sealed the deal.

  3. 3

    Oh my goodness Jeannett!! Some people just open up their mouths before their brains engage!! I, of course, never have that problem!! Just smile at the comments and think that they truly have no clue what is coming out of their mouths.

    Love you lots!!

  4. 4

    I have one friend who plans on having a water birth and another who plans on using cloth diapers Although neither of these things seem appealing to me, I am not sure how my opinion matters…

    I was told with my daughter not to deliver at the hospital that I was going to because someone she knew had a baby that died during delivery. I was also told at 14 weeks when I said that I was out of the danger zone that you can loose a baby later in pregnancy. People are mean and weird!