This baby sucks at math…

I’ve been going to a chiropractor because while I’ve always had a bad back (my spine is all twisted, I think it’s called scoliosis?), it’s gotten much worse since I’ve been pregnant. And, with the added weight of well, everything, it’s made my back pain almost unbearable some days.

Anyway, the point of my story is that the girl at the chiropractor’s office weighed me in yesterday. I honestly thought I was going to slug her. She just kept sliding that stupid little weight on the scale over and over…I just wanted her to stop! Well, stop she did…and it indicated that I had gained a whopping TWELVE pounds since I’ve gotten pregnant! Are you kidding me???? I’m just barely less than four months along! It wouldn’t be so bad if the weight gain was steady throughout, but we all know that the weight gain is exponential as you get further along. The worst part of all is that between the fact that all sweets make me gag, and the fact that I don’t want to resemble a member of the bovine family, I’ve been healthier in my eating habits than I ever was pre-pregnancy. I think I’ve eaten more salads and drinken more water now, than in my entire adult life!

Well, today I had a midwife appointment…and I begged her to let me skip the weigh in. After all, I already knew I was well on my way to having Andy have to knock out a wall in the house to get me outside. I couldn’t bear watching that irksome little metal weight sliding across the numbers. She made me do it anyway, and so I slid the thingy to what I had been told my weight was the day before…but it was too much. So I slid it back a little. Still too much. I actually started giggling. I got to slide it back four whole pounds! So, really my pregnancy weight gain is actually only eight pounds!!!! WOOHOO!!! Okay, I know that some of you may be thinking: “It’s only four pounds, Jeannett”…but it was a big deal for me. It seems a lot more reasonable to still be in the single digits at this point. I know I have to gain weight, and I know I will gain more, but 12 pounds is a lot when you’re only 5’2″…and only four months along.

The abnoxious thing though, is that I’ve gained 8 pounds, but the baby still only weighs three ounces. Right. The basic laws of mathmatics are clearly unimportant to this child. I’m sure his father will have something to say about that…

My midwife also told me that she wants me to get more protein and if I’m going to eat eggs to get the ones from Trader Joe’s that are labeled Fertile Eggs. I thought that was what got me into this trouble in the first place! I guess they’re more nutritious. Whatever, as long as they taste the same.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Dont go gettin all OCD about the weight….its all comin off later anyway. Just enjoy having a reason to gain ;o) ! Tried callin you about the dishwasher. We are ready to return and we promise to have the replacement by the time you make your first bottle….deal? JK

    Lets starbucks!….you can do Cider right? Call me. Your Landlord!

  2. 2

    fertile eggs… that’s funny. anyway, don’t worry about the weight, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! for one, no it’s not exponential as you get further along. it all comes in spurts, and by the way it leaves in spurts too. and for two, it’s called being pregnant. you’re not going to win any awards on the runway, and no one’s going to call you to do a swim suit shoot. get over it! :) hee, hee. that weight is going to good use, and you’re being very smart about eating well. that will do you a lot of favors, especially when it comes to getting rid of the weight. also, if you’re eating right, then the weight is going to be usuable to the baby, which then means less work to burn it off later on. i’m no scientist, obviously, so that’s just my opinion. also, go read lisa leonard’s blog post called “perfectly imperfect” and get over it. :) then you can harrass me when i get all frustrated with my weight the next time i’m pregnant. :)

  3. 3

    Well Jeannett I had my doc’s appt. yesterday and I thought of you the whole time the girl was sliding the thing over farther and farther! I have now also officially passed up my husband in weight.

    They tried to tell me 3 years ago that if you gain more than such and such pounds, it won’t all come off from nursing. That is just plain not true–nursing burns x number of calories plain and simple.

    Pregnancy makes me very self conscious but I try not to think about it. I’m wishing I was like you and repulsed by sweets!

  4. 4

    Hello, anybody here? You complain when others don’t keep their blogs updated…..sheesh.

  5. 5

    Listen Buddy, you can post too you know…after all, you are the father…

  6. 6

    Ohhhh I like this, Andy vs. Jeannett in blog form!!!!!!!!!!

  7. 7

    by the way, i agree with andy that it’s about time for another blog entry, jeannett.

  8. 8

    Hey, I thought you girls were supposed to be on MY side!!!

    (I’ll post later today…gotta think of something though)