Henry’s Heart (Part 756)

Look Ma! No hands! Getting our blood pressure taken. With our beloved blankie. Dude, you need a haircut. Bad. Ohhhh....paper towels...that looks like it would make a mess! Henry has discovered … [Read more...]

Good News…

We had our cardiologist appointment this morning down in Santa Barbara. The good news is that his heart is no worse this time than it was back in December! (Everytime before this, his valve was … [Read more...]

Pulmonary Stenosis

That's what my baby has.It's weird to think there's anything wrong with him. He's happy, smiley, he doesn't look sick, he isn't a funny color, he doesn't act weird...he looks like any other normal … [Read more...]

Pulmonary Valvioplasty – (I think that’s what he called it)

Just got back from the cardiologist.I knew Henry's heart was worse when the ultrasound only lasted five minutes (it was over an hour the first time). I really knew that we wouldn't be getting the … [Read more...]