So if I’m not worried…

...why do I find myself constantly googling Cerebral Palsy and reading the same information over and over and over again......and why do I keep staring at Jill expecting her to blurt out and tell me … [Read more...]

Two Month Check Up Stats

Two months.I know. I know.I don't know how it happened either.Crazy.Lucy: 9/14: 11 lb. 5 oz. 75% (8/10: 8 lb. 15 oz. )Jill: 9/14: 8 lb. 16 oz. 25% (8/10: 7 lb. 9 … [Read more...]

6 Minutes

The other day the TV was on in the background and someone said something about the fact that your brain only needs to be deprived of oxygen for 6 minutes before you die.I've heard that before.It was … [Read more...]

Thrush and an Early Start

After the girls were returned to their crib after their late night feeding, I lay in bed...and felt that all too familiar feeling of stabbing, shooting, burning pain...and chuckled to myself.Really? … [Read more...]

Mini Update on Jill

We had a pediatrician appointment yesterday for Jilly. Everything looks good. Dr. Bravo thinks her shakes and twitches will get better with time (and they have already), although we won't know for a … [Read more...]

We’re home…

Yes, we were back at French. At first, we didn't know what to expect but because of the experiences over the last week, we of course presumed the worst. But, things are ok, just a bit more … [Read more...]

THIS is what it was supposed to be like!

Lucy and Jill riding together again.Miss Jill. Could you just DIE??? Ugh. So cute.The image that once struck terrror in my heart (three kids in a row in the back), is now my most prized memory.Had … [Read more...]

Jilly’s COMING HOME!!!

Gotta get dressed...but Andy just called and said that they are discharging her as soon as we get there!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … [Read more...]