As is Gibson Family tradition, we headed to Holloway’s Christmas Tree Farm to pick out *the* tree.
Our super rad wagon came too.
Henry was beyond jazzed.
After spending 6 days in L.A. visiting family…being back on the Central Coast…a beautiful, crisp fall day…gorgeous blue skies…a phenomenal backdrop of rolling hills…dirt on my shoes…
good for my soul.
Even if Lucy thought it was fun to pull Jill’s paci out over and over again…
While I love and miss family…I am home here.
Away from the traffic. The smog. The graffiti. The concrete.
A 9 foot tall tree now adorns my living room.
With lots of white lights.
And I love it.
How did I miss the post about the wagon?? I have no idea, but that thing is bad ass…and your description of walking to starbucks – oy, you are brave woman!
We love Holloways too, sort of a tradition going there, although every year they keep telling us it's their last. ha!
Glad you are home safe. Sometimes it just take a trip to the city to help us remember what we love about living here :)