This is a bowl of uncooked rice.

And in it is my brand new Blackberry Pearl. Thursday may have been one of the worst life-sucks kind of days I have ever had. I mean that in a ‘no one died, everyone is healthy, but everything that could go wrong otherwise…did’ kind of a way. In this case, Henry snuck off with my phone and decided that it would make a great toy in his water table. So there my phone sits in a bowl of uncooked rice trying to draw as much moisture as possible out of it. Luckily, it worked, and my phone is fully functioning. Phew.

Hey look! It’s a bottom mount fridge!!!! NOT. The $35 part fixed the fridge. For two weeks. It’s dead again. Apparently the $400 part followed suit shortly thereafter (same day as the phone water toy saga). So, we went to Sears and ordered a new one. Unfortunately it won’t be here until next Monday (where is it coming from??? Cambodia???!!!) We bought a super cheap dorm fridge at WalMart to hold us over. Ice chests for a week and a half just seemed a bit too painful. Everything is wet and soggy and makes a mess in the kitchen and has to be constantly re-filled and drained. I have enough on my plate to deal with thank you very much. (The bottom one is a freezer we keep in the garage and already owned. Thankfully.)

Lots more went wrong on Thursday, but I’ll spare you the details. But let’s put it this way: I just couldn’t get a break. NOTHING went right. EVERYTHING went wrong. ANyTHING that could break or malfunction did. I was so overwhelmed I actually called Andy and asked if he could come home early just for some moral support. I have NEVER done that. Sadly, he couldn’t because of workload, but hey, I tried.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    oh, jeannett. i’m so sorry! sounds like you had a rough, rough day. i saw you in passing on sunday and you looked really good! hope it’s a better week.

  2. 2

    My sympathies! When my nice new phone decided to go for a swim (there were children involved) it never recovered so I had to deal with an old crappy phone that didn’t work very well for an entire year – no new phone in the budget. I never thought of putting it in rice!!!!! Sorry things are tough, maybe you need to channel your inner hippie, go away somewhere and chill for a few days! Sorry things were rough, hope you have a happy Monday!

  3. 3

    Go away for a few days…hmmm…do mommies get to do that? Nah, didn’t think so. :)

  4. 4

    So bummed for you.
    Should I also add a belated Happy Birthday?