On Luxury. And talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I texted my sister and got no response. The next afternoon,  "Sorry.  Just saw this.  I couldn't find my phone and it died while it was lost." My immediate thought was "Wow.  Must be nice.  I … [Read more...]

Sunday Smiles

  (free printable...perfect for Valentine's Day!...HERE.)   … [Read more...]


Whaaaaaa? I know.  I'm a blogging train wreck.  But I'm pretty active on my FB page, so that has to count, right? (I'm jeannettg on Insta if you want to follow). And it turns out, I've been … [Read more...]

Kitchen Cabinet Decisions. Help.

It's been really quiet around here, but mostly because it's been loud in real life.  Not bad loud, just holiday crazy loud. I don't even know what day of the week it is at this point.  It's all … [Read more...]