And then there was that time my kids were in a music video.

Friends of ours do some videography type stuffs (it’s all very official just like that) and asked if I would be open to letting my kids play with  bubbles after church one Sunday afternoon.

Easy enough.  Sure thing.  Just don’t let it take too long because I get hungry.

I did make them promise me there would be no fly girlz, gold grillz, or Bentleys in the video.

They kept their word.

I appreciate that kind of honesty.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Robin Canter says:

    How stinking good was that music video?!? LOVED IT! Will you still blog when your kids are rich and famous??

    • 2

      When my kids are rich and famous, I just hope they find a hot nurse to change my diapers. But yeah, I’ll still blog. Because I have few talents, I shouldn’t toss one I’m sorta kinda decent at.

  2. 3
    Beverly says:

    It WAS stinking good!!!! Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 4
    Robbin says:

    Loved seeing your kids and other friends in the video. Also seeing SLO town and familiar places. Yay for Gum Alley! haha

  4. 5
    Leah Heffelfinger says:

    This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  5. 6
    Jessica Johnson says:

    Well that was fun. They sound like Bare Naked Ladies. I’m a little sad there was no grillzzzzz.


  6. 7

    Too stinking cute!

  7. 8

    And…we were Soooooooooo hungry by the time they finished!! It was well worth it. My great nieces and nephews are to cute for words…No, I am not prejudice either ;)

  8. 9

    Adorable. Good song too!!