The Happy Day Project 2013 {abridged version}


If you’ve been a long time reader, you’ll know that it’s time for The Happy Day Project.

So here’s the thing:

I was totally not gonna do it this year.

I’m buuuuuuusy.  I DO NOT under any circumstances have time for this.

No sir.

No time…for being intentionally kind???



But real is real and the truth is that I have a lot going on.  (Although, really, when do I NOT?)

And I kinda like the idea of things being a little more organic this year anyway.

The last two years, I gave you a specific task each day.  With suggestions on how to carry out the task, and an online way to do it too.  Plus, you got customized, awesomesauce printables to make kindness cute.

This year…I ain’t got none of that.

Here’s what we’re gonna do.

We’re gonna MAKE time this week to do random acts of kindness.


I know, I know.  I’M RIGHT THERE WITH YOU.  If there was a week this was a bad idea…pretty sure this week is it.

But I want my kids…oh how I want my kids to believe that life is always busy and there is always time for kindness.  And they’re never ever ever in a million years gonna believe that if I don’t.  And let’s call a spade a spade here…I’m not intentionally kind on a regular basis.  I kinda need a THING to remind me.

The Happy Day Project always makes me groan at the beginning…but I’m always so glad I did it by the end.

This year, you have the whole week to intentionally do random acts of kindness (don’t forget to include the kids!).

Whatever you want.  However you want.  Do one thing.  Five things.  Two things.


To give you an idea of what we usually do, previous tasks were:

  • Treat Someone
  • Handwritten Note Day
  • Gift Card to Homeless
  • Book for a friend
  • Refresh someone
  • Appreciate those in service
  • Blessing Bags

You can click HERE for individual posts from the last two years if you need more specific direction/inspiration and ideas on how to do spread Happy digitally if that’s what works for you.


happy day project collage


{Click for the brown tagaqua square, yellow square; typewriter; pillowbox; rainbow blessings; oh happy day;  love knows your namedoodles; water bottle label 1 & 2little birdiebe happy bunting smile buntinglove buntingdelight}

The free printables from the last two years of Happy are still available.  So use them as inspiration!

The idea is that you carry out (at least one) of these tasks, attach a cute printable, and above all SMILE.  Spread a little cheer.  Pray for the recipient.  And well, remember that the world is bigger than your to-do list.  (Ahem.  Jeannett.  That’s for you.)

Be creative.  Be simple.

But be kind.

Tag pics #TheHappyDayProject  

Not because we want to be boastful, but because it just might inspire others to join in.

So this week, spread some Happy.  Especially if you don’t have time for it.  ;)

I’m super excited to see what you’re all up to!




(psssst, the Walk to End Epilepsy is Sunday.  Have you donated yet?)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Thanks for the reminder! We’ll come up with a few fun things to do with you. I’m not sure we’ll photograph them or not. but we’ll join in!
    NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner´s last blog post ..{Book Review} Sunshine After The Storm: A Surviving Guide For The Grieving Mother


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