Princess Day

My girls turned four.

I can hardly handle it.

For their birthday, I wanted to do something special, but low key.  And since they don’t really have friends at this point, (I mean, Lucy pretty much thinks everyone is her best friend), I decided that a traditional party seemed overkill.

Inspired by the Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique at Disneyland (that Lucy begs to do every time we are there), I thought I’d recreate the experience at home…and much more affordable.


 Armed with little girl make up and glitter hairspray, I planned.


The morning began with getting to open one present…containing a brand new princess dress and birthday tiara.


Nelle and Tess came over and helped with the fanciness.


 I love that the makeup wasn’t obnoxiously noticeable, but the girls still felt like they were getting dolled up.

Andy was pacing.  Freaking out.  His little girls putting on make up was giving him anxiety.


I don’t think the dangle earrings helped his stress levels.


Jill was grumpy at first.  I think she needed a nap, but I was mean and made her power through.


 Dressed and glittered to the nines, we took them to get their nails done for the first time.  You could tell Lucy was nervous and excited at the prospect.


Jill was just excited about her wand.  Girl wouldn’t let you take that away from her for one SECOND.


Jill picked out purple.

Because of course.


Lu chose the confetti shaped like hearts.

Because of course.


Turns out that Lucy’s toes were too small for heart confetti so she settled for hot pink and smaller glitter.


I think she lived.



If there was any more fabulousness going on, it would be against the law.


I mean, really.

It’s too much.


Next, we took the girls to lunch and had one of the Disney Princesses call each of them.

Merida gave Lucy a ring.


And Jill had a philosophical conversation with Rapunzel.

(If you text the word “Disney” to 339-92, you can have one of 3 different Princesses call you back.  It’s really cute.  And free.)


Next, we took our bedazzled princesses to Target.

Because of course.


There was no real reason, except that I knew they would feel special wandering the aisles dripping in glitter.

We live in a fairly small town.  The options are kinda limited.

Besides, Target.


Jill discovered the fish face and made it at herself in every mirror she could find.


Lucy’s plastic heels clanked through the store.

Which brought her immeasurable joy.



Then we headed home, opened the rest of the presents, and had cake.

Since the girls didn’t get a party, I decided to make them each a special cake.

Remind me to never to this again.  Took me ONE MILLION YEARS to finish them.

My hand is still cramping.


The morning of our Princess Day, I had some serious misgivings.

The feminist inside me started freaking out.

What was I doing?  Make up?  Princess gear? Mani/pedis???


Was this the wrong message?  Was I doing irreparable damage?

And out of the blue, my friend Angela sent me this video on Facebook “This reminded me of your girls” she said.

And she’s right.

They are sassy.  They can hang with their brothers.

While wearing heels and glitter.

And I’m good with that.

Happy birthday my twins.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    You can text Disney and a princess will call you?! Shut the front door.

    Do they do that for 32 year olds? I do have a birthday coming up…
    Daphne´s last blog post ..Weekend update

    • 2
      kristen says:

      Love the birthday idea…..I think you are out of luck with never making two birthday cakes again….sounds like a wonderful tradition you have started and one your kids will love forever….and the whole dripping in glitter and diamonds etc… while shopping could become a favorite past time sure to conjure up lots of giggles and memories. You are one rocking mom!!! :)

  2. 3

    this is an amazing idea! how special they must have felt – and much more fun than a party if you ask me. what a great mom you are!


  3. 4

    That disney tip is priceless!! I think this is a great idea for a birthday party!
    Katie´s last blog post ..Race Recap: Paul Bunyan Extreme 5k

  4. 5

    That looks like a blast! I know a few four year olds who would have thought that was an epic birthday fiesta!
    NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner´s last blog post ..{A Blogesty Pregnancy Tale} I’ve lost my mind. Have you seen it?

  5. 6

    Happy birthday girls!!!!

  6. 7

    Such a cute idea. What a great lineup of events to make a special day more special. I’m hoping that for my 29th birthday next year, someone will take me to get my nails professionally done for the first time!

  7. 8

    The awesome knows no bounds. So adorable. What fun!

  8. 9

    It’s so funny that you spent your girls’ 4th birthday like is, because my girls turn 4 in two weeks & something like this was something I was considering. We don’t do big birthdays anymore, and once they have friends from school will eventually eat them pick a few friends to do something fun with, but until then it’s usually low key family fun. I just found out about a place near us tht has cute small chairs for kids to get their nails done & I thought my girls might like getting nails done with mom. I was thinking letting them go in princess gear, or whatever outfit they picked since it would be a special treat. I guess this is the perfect little 4th birthday surprise for twins ;) & I cannot believe 4 either???!!! So glad your girls had a great day!
    Heather @ Life as we know it…´s last blog post ..Keeping busy this summer.

  9. 10

    Goldiblox. Fixin’ to buy that for my girl. Saw the vid a few weeks back while on the coast. Hollah for math…. not that I can get past balancing my checkbook, but whatever.

    Happy birthday to the lovelies…

  10. 11

    Thanks for the princess call tip. I Could have totally used it in April for my daughters birthday. I’ll be storing that little nugget away for later.
    Gwendolyn T´s last blog post ..Violet’s Story