Skate on.

Henry had his first ever skateboarding competition a couple of Saturdays ago.

I didn’t post about it because I was so disheartened…not by his performance…but by my camera.

Long story short, I took my zoom lens with me…that had been acting up and not focusing properly…and let’s just say that I snapped probably 50 photos and they were all BLUUUUUUURY.  As in, pretty much unusable, yucky blurry.



See???  Sad trombone.

The bad news is that my lens was obviously dead…but the good news is I’ve since gotten a new upgraded lens…and a whole new cammy.  So, I suppose there is a silver lining, even if it means I just about missed anything from my kid’s first competition.  Blah.

But moving onward with the post…


So here’s how this skateboard competition thing works: each skater gets ONE minute to do his thing.  Cram as many tricks and such into that minute as he can.  Judges watch and give points for each trick completed.  They get two runs. Whoever has the most points at the end of the two runs, wins.

Easy enough.



Henry was in the 7 and under category.  Which means that some of the kids were almost 8…two years is a pretty big difference when you’re that little.

You could tell he was nervous.  I thought he might even bow out at the last minute.  You see, this is my kid who won’t sing or whatever on stage when there are school productions.  At preschool graduation he just stood there.  His Sunday School class sang Christmas songs in big church…he just stood there.  He even told me just a few days before the competition that it “made him feel funny in his stomach” to be on stage and have everyone looking at him.

“And in a few days you’ll be skateboarding with an entire skate park to yourself with everyone watching you…and judging you…????  I thought that in my head.  I was pretty sure this was going to be a disaster.


And you know what?  He was nervous.  He fell off his board a couple of times on the first run doing “simple” things he does all the time.

I held my breath.  I for sure thought he was going to cry and give up right then and there.

But he didn’t.


And that second run?

He did great.  He even got brave and did a little jumpy thingy that I’m sure has some cool name, and almost landed it.

We were so proud of him.

Everyone there were really great sports and cheered for the kids, even if they weren’t all that impressive.  It was such a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere.  Andy had been worried that there might be some punk kids that heckled and jeered the little ones…but no one did.  Everyone was awesome.  And it made me like people again.  Because sometimes it can be easy to be annoyed with the Earth, you know?  But not this day.  This day was good.

He didn’t place, but he had fun.

And he got a little medal.  That he wore for the next 72 hours straight.  Even to church.  And proudly showed it off to anyone and everyone who would let him yap about his Competition.

We went out to a celebratory lunch afterward.  He had a corn dog and lemonade.  It was pretty much his favorite day ever.

On the way out, he asked:

“Mom, was that super cool?”

“Yeah, buddy.  It was!”

“Yeah, but was it like the super awesomest coolest???!!!”

“Totally the super AWESOMEST coolest on the PLANET!”

“Yeah.  I want to do it again next time, okay?”

“Okay buddy.  We will.”

And with that, I’ve managed to join the ranks of parents everywhere…the ones who go to crazy events they don’t understand and spend Saturdays cheering for their goofy kid.

I love my goofy kid.  He surprised me that day.  He’s rad.




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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I was wondering about that skate competition! So funny you posted that this morning : )
    Henry is such a cutie, good for him!!
    Kerry @ Made For Real´s last blog post ..Even though…enjoy

  2. 2
    Carrie R. says:

    I was wondering about it too. I’m glad to hear it went pretty well and that he had a good time. It looks like it was a blast.
    My 5 year old wants nothing to do with any kind of sport. And he doesn’t just stand on the stage not singing, he will actually just sit down on the step watching everyone and even laid down on the stage at church once. He’d much rather walk around like a T-Rex roaring at everyone.

    • 3
      Courtney says:

      haha! i love that! i would rather watch 5 year olds roaring than forced to sing or do choreographed moves. your kid sounds awesome, like Calvin and Hobbes awesome!

  3. 4

    SO awesome – go Henry! You should be a puffed up mama – that is a BIG DEAL for a kid his age to get through…
    Kirsten´s last blog post ..I blinked

  4. 5

    Yay! So glad he stuck with it and felt so accomplished! Good for him! And for everyone else for being so nice!
    Kassi @ Truly Lovely´s last blog post ..Our Love Story: Part 1

  5. 6

    Aww, I’m so glad he went through with it. AND loved every minute of it!
    This was such a great post to read – especially love that conversation at the end – too cute!
    Gena@BakeAllTheThings!´s last blog post ..Some Fab Things In The Works!!

  6. 7

    way to go Henry!! awesomest day ever :)
    Suzanne´s last blog post ..Here comes Monday {4/22/2013}

  7. 8

    TOTALLY rad. Warms the cockles of the heart! Little guy found his niche! Hooray for Henry!

  8. 9

    So sweet–way to go, Henry!

  9. 10

    Sometimes… their bravery is just beautifully astonishing.

    And you wonder where they get it. Because as much as you’d like to take credit for it – you are honestly more than a little impressed.
    Rachel´s last blog post ..because someday I’ll need to prove I was a fun mom