My Happy Place {PEOPLE Magazine}

Oscar night Andy was out of town and for some odd reason my kids wanted nothing to do with watching Hollywood parade itself down the red carpet.  Weird.

The next day, the Internets were abuzz with all of the couture, who wore what, who tripped going up the stairs, and all that other Oscar jazz that comes the day after.  And I was all “STOP RUINING IT!!! THIS IS THE WORLD’S BIGGEST SPOILER FACEBOOKERS!!!!”  Because I’m dramatic like that.


I caught glimpses of the dresses, but averted my eyes the best I could.  Because me and PEOPLE magazine needed to get cozy-lozy.

There’s Jen.  Looking right at me.  She knew we had a date.


I bought the magazine at Target, and then waited patiently for just the right timing: three littles napping and the biggest building race track in my bedroom with the door closed.  (He doesn’t nap anymore, but he’s pretty good about staying quiet.)

I quickly tidied the living room (am I the only one who can’t relax if the room is a mess?), poured myself an ice cold glass of Diet Pepsi, lit a lemon scented candle, took in the natural sunlight pouring in the windows and the fresh flowers on the table…



…and turned my brain off for a glorious hour.  No whining.  No crying.  No “mama I’m hungry!”  I just perused the glossy pages of the extra thick PEOPLE Magazine and sipped my deliciously carbonated beverage in silence.

I was happy.

As for the dresses, I wasn’t super impressed this year.  (Because, you know, I’m a fashion maven and they totally care what I think…)  Jennifer Lawrence’s dress was beautiful, but would it have killed her to have dyed it a fantastic magenta or a deep purple…or something?  Like my friend Jacquelyn wrote in the comments of my last PEOPLE post “…This is your chance to be a peacock for Heaven’s sake!”  Anyway, I looooved Catherine Zeta-Jones’ dress.  Girlfriend is a knockout.  Then again, she could probably wear a burlap sack and look amazing.

Anywho…have you gotten a chance to catch up on the fancy frocks?  Who was your favorite?

OH!  And last, but not least, the winner of the $20 Target giftcard is Jacquie!  



If you want more chances to win, you can test your PEOPLE Trivia skills and enter each week for a chance to win one of hundreds of rewards cards!

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and PEOPLE Magazine  but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #PEOPLEforOscars

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Amy Adams was my favorite.
    seriously sassy mama´s last blog post ..A Quick Public Announcement

  2. 2

    Glad to hear you were able to have some time for yourself! My fav was Jessica Chastain. She is such a beautiful woman!
    Alexandra´s last blog post ..25 questions, 25 answers

  3. 3

    I’m glad you got an hour to yourself to peruse a magazine! And i also agree on the color choices, I was so bummed by the pastels/neutrals. BORING! My best dressed was jennifer gardner, I loved the color, the back of the dress was a little over the top, but still chic, perfect oscar dress!
    Katie´s last blog post ..February 2013 Recap