
Hi everyone!

It’s Friday!  Yay!

Link up your cell phone pics and tell us the story of your week. (I’m jeannettg on Insta if you’ d like to follow)


This week, I took a little webby break and went a bit radio silent.

I insta’d, but I haven’t blogged since Monday, nor was I on Facebook, nor did I really reply to emails.

It was mainly because I was really busy this week…so it wasn’t on purpose, but ya know what?

It was really NICE.

Last weekend, Uncle Marc came into town and surprised me with a new tea kettle.  My kitchen is back to normal again.  All is well with the world.  Thanks, Marc!


Henry’s last skate camp session was last Saturday, and I got to take him solo.  No baby strapped to my chest, no Lucy begging to leave, no Jill trying to climb out of her stroller.  It was super nice to just get to watch him roll around.  He even dropped in on the ramps for the first time!  GOoOOOOOoooo Henry!  (I even took a 9 second video of it…proud mama.)

The skate park is part of a skate shop, so naturally I found myself looking at the wall of Toms.  I swore I would never buy Toms.  I mean, I love their philanthropy, but the shoes are not cute.  Not cute.  Not cute….wait, maybe they’re kinda cute?  Maybe they’re not so bad…and it’s cold…and my feet are chilly…and…ooooohhhhhh, are those ballet flat Toms????


I was soooo busy trying to do all the laundry and packing for a family of 6 to get out of town for a couple of days.  I can’t wait until the kids are old enough that I can print a list and make them pack themselves…it’s SO much work.  But moms know this.

Isn’t it shocking how much work we have to put in just to take a small vacation???  Crazytown.

Even still, we found some time for a mini Oreo break in the sunshine.


This boy…I don’t even know what to say.

Except maybe that y’all should start praying for me now.


And then he goes and does this.

Falls asleep on his mama, lips all squished, cheek smooshed, eyelashes to the moon and back…I’m so hosed you guys.  So hosed.



Henry got a quick ride in Daddy’s company’s plane.  It sounds so fancy until you see that it’s the size of a VW Bug.  And that it’s older than most people’s cars.  AND ITS ABOUT TO FLY HIGH UP INTO THE SKY WITH YOUR FIRSTBORN IN IT.

Anxiety.  I couldn’t let myself think about it.

And the boy?  Best. time. ever.  Came off that janky plane talking a million miles a minute hardly able to contain himself.

We mamas pay handsomely in gray hairs for our children’s joy don’t we?


Later that night, Henry and I played Go Fish.

I realize that doesn’t sound like a big deal…but I cannot STAND playing games.

So this?  This is BIG TIME.


Speaking of boys…the big ones…the ones we marry?  They crack me up sometimes.

Andy sent me this photo from his little plane on the way home that night.

I had just sucked 6 gallons of all manner of green out of some kid’s nose, wiped at least two rear ends that weren’t my own, tucked in a curly haired drama queen at least three times, and couldn’t find my keys to save my life.

But I’m glad you had a nice view, dear.


But all the packing and laundry and shopping and packing and laundry were worth it.

Because we snuck away with two other families for a couple of days at Disneyland.

We each have four kids…so that’s 12 kids in our group!  Fun!


We pack in meals and snacks for our kids so that we only have to buy food for me and Andy.  It’s a great system because the kids are happier with that arrangement, and so is our wallet.  But one night, we decided to go outside of the park and eat at a restaurant…theme park food is not super delicious, and it’s not super cheap either.  But we had the kids’ food…it felt ultra weird to bust out sandwiches and crackers…but Andy and I ordered full meals and drinks…that’s okay, right?


This kid is the best.

Such a trooper.  He hardly fusses and just kinda goes with the flow.

And passes out HARD at the end of the day.


I love these sweet times with my family.

And it was really fun to go with friends.  Really fun.

I can’t wait to go back.


life rearranged

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    i LOVE that tea kettle! So cute! Happy weekend

  2. 2

    I canNOT imagine the anxiety of watching your boy get on that plane. Good for you though, for letting it happen. How fun for him. And, yay for time at Disney. We used to always take the kids’ food into the park too and just buy for my husband and I!
    Alyson @Vintage Sunshine´s last blog post ..three one thirteen

  3. 3

    I cannot wait till the day I an take my kids to disneyworld. We are heading to Sea World for a few days for Spring break. It will be our first family vacation ever. We are super excited. I am so excited I am getting the swagger wagon all cleaned up!
    seriously sassy mama´s last blog post ..I Rock The House Party At The Drop Of A Hat

  4. 4

    Disneyland is only better when you go with friends! How fun!
    Barbara´s last blog post ..InstaFrifay

  5. 5

    Isn’t it crazy how much work we put into getting ready for a vacation with kids? But it is usually worth it…usually. LOL :) And I love the idea of taking meals. My boys are so picky that it really limits our choices when we eat out.

  6. 6

    Love the red tea kettle & love the picture of it. // I don’t like to play games either. Or play make believe. So glad to know I’m not the only one. // I’m pretty sure moms never really have a vacation because even the vacations are a lot of work. Maybe even extra work. // As far as bringing your own food to a restaurant, as long as you’re paying for a meal or two, I think it’s totally okay. // True story: when I was a kid, my dad brought a bag from a different restaurant in to the restaurant that the rest of the family was eating at. He didn’t want to eat what we were eating, so he went across the street and bought his own meal and brought it back to eat with us. THAT was embarrassing. // Have a great week! xo, ab
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post ..<< my week in review: 2/22-28

  7. 7

    i LOVE that tea kettle!
    elizabeth´s last blog post ..high five for insta-friday

  8. 8

    I need to remember to unplug sometimes too. It gets out of control for me somedays and that’s not good. Thanks for hosting the linky party. Have a great weekend.
    Ana´s last blog post ..InstaFriday

  9. 9

    That DLand trip was so fun! Katie’s best moment? Getting to take Owen on the Pooh ride. :-) Loved hanging out with you guys. Let’s do it again!

  10. 10

    ballet flat toms are THE BEST! i have two pair…i warn you though, they wear out fast.

    and your smooshy little baby is pretty much the cutest. i’m expecting a little one in june and i hope she’s as much of a cuddle bug as he is!
    rachel @ my happily ever after´s last blog post ..crossing everything

  11. 11

    Tea kettles, solo parenting, games and Disneyland? There was no time for blogging! I didn’t blog since last Friday either–my SIL surprised me with a trip to come see them. Busy busy!!!
    Ellie´s last blog post ..Insta-Friday and My Surprise Adventure

  12. 12

    I love the last pic of Owen sleeping – such a cutie. I really enjoy reading your blog. You are an inspirational momma to new mommas like myself. :)
    Brittnie (A Joy Renewed)´s last blog post ..2013 goals, February roundup

  13. 13

    Looks like a fun time at Disney! What a great opportunity for your little guy to ride in a plane. I’m sure it is a memory that will last forever!
    Tanya´s last blog post ..InstaFriday – Week in Review


  1. […] linking up again with Jeannett at Life Rearranged to share moments from my week, captured on my phone. Speaking of phone photos, the great people […]

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