Pretty dresses, PEOPLE Magazine and a Target Giveaway too! {giveaway closed}

Guilty Pleasure:  something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The “guilt” involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one’s lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes, such as campy styles of entertainment. Fashion, video games, music, films, and junk food can be examples of guilty pleasures.  Thank you, Wikipedia.


So, there’s this thing…

That I really seriously love.  Especially during certain times of the year.

Namely, hot summer days and Oscar season:

PEOPLE Magazine.

I feel like I should pooh pooh the celebrity scene and tell you I read nothing but intellectual things like Plato’s Republic (which I have read three times), or books about the scourge of materialism in America like Radical or Seven (own both of them), or life changing works about the homeless or the AIDS epidemic.

The thing is, I do love books that make my brain work.  Hard.  I do.  I love being stretched and pushed and I love having to re-read sentences six or seven times just to unpack its meaning.  I’m reading through Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters for probably the tenth time.  It’s one of my favorites.  Ever.

But you know what?  Sometimes I just want fluff.  I don’t want to think.  I don’t want to process and mull over.  I just want to look at pretty pictures and take a peek into the lives of the rich and famous.


I don’t necessarily want to live their lives…frankly, I kinda like my mostly boring, unassuming, suburban life…but I am forever fascinated by celebrity fashion…particularly for awards shows like the Oscars.  I know this sounds really random, considering the bulk of my movie watching is comprised of the cartoon variety…but I really looooove looking at all the pretty dresses.  I know little (nothing?) about fashion…but boy do I love seeing the gowns and the jewels and the hair dos and the shoes.  I find it fascinating to see what someone with unlimited funds and world class designers who create clothing specifically for their body…ends up with.  I like seeing what colors are trending.  I like to see Justin Timberlake in a tux.  Oh wait.  How did that get in there?  But really…Anne Hathaway?  Girl is flawless.

I don’t so much care who is dating who or any of that other jazz…I just like to pour over their dresses, pick out my favorites, and pretend what I would wear if I wasn’t wiping snot 325 times an hour.  Sometimes, my brain just needs pretty pictures of pretty people in pretty dresses.  And you know what?  Maybe I’m okay with that.  Maybe it’s okay for me to let my noggin take a break.  Right?

PEOPLE Magazine Oscars Double Issue will be on sale starting March 1, 2013. It will only be available until March 18, 2013.  This is exciting.  No.  Truly.  DOUBLE issue.  That’s a lot of pretty dresses.  And even some hideous ones too (Nicki Minaj I’m looking at you).

So, here’s the fun part: I’m giving away a $20 gift card to Target to one lucky reader!  Target will for sure be carrying the PEOPLE Magazine Oscars Double Issue, so…I mean…you should totally pick that up.  Don’t even tell me you won’t be there at least three times in the next week.  I see your instagram feed.

To enter to win the $20 gift card, leave a comment on this post answering the following question:

Which stars/celebs do you want to see on the cover of this year’s PEOPLE Magazine 2013 Oscars Double Issue Campaign?

I will pull a winner on Monday, February 25th.

If you’re feeling really lucky, you can also test your PEOPLE Trivia skills for a chance to win!  Enter each week for a chance to win one of hundreds of rewards cards!


This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and PEOPLE Magazine  but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #PEOPLEforOscars

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 51

    Well, after I saw the first part of the post I went and checked to see if my guess was right, yes, Ann Hathaway is wearing Valentino. Then, I had too look at a whole bunch of beige dresses before I remembered to finish reading your post so … um, can I enter anyway? I don’t care who graces the cover but they better not be wearing beige. Come on people!! This is your chance to be a peacock for heavens sake!!
    Jacquelyn Moses´s last blog post ..And the winner is … me!

  2. 53

    I want to see Christoph Waltz on the cover.

  3. 54
    Amory Skaggs says:

    Those timeless beauties who have the best stylists! I’m never shocked to see Anne, Michelle Williams, and gwyneth!

  4. 55
    Jessica M. says:

    I would love to see Bradley Cooper because I just like to look at him, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain too because they are gorgeous!

  5. 56

    Which stars/celebs do you want to see on the cover of this year’s PEOPLE Magazine 2013 Oscars Double Issue Campaign?

    I’m all about Anne! I think she is just gorgeous.
    Katie´s last blog post ..Mid Week 1 Update

  6. 57

    How about some of the crew from Downton Abbey?? :)

  7. 58

    Bradley Cooper.

  8. 59
    domestic diva says:

    I don’t really care who, I just like to see what they’re wearing.

  9. 60

    I was sitting wondering who I would want to see and then I saw Rachel’s comment. So I’m going to have to “borrow” her answer. Love me some Downton Abbey!

  10. 61
    soha molina says:

    Ryan Gosling

  11. 62
    michelle pickett says:

    I really like January Jones, Nicole Kidman, and Carrie Mulligan.

  12. 63

    Anyone from Downton Abbey for me!

  13. 64

    I don’t really have a fave! may the best win and can’t wait to see the fashion!

  14. 65

    Ryan Ghostling!

  15. 66
    Laura Jacobson says:

    I would love to see Anne Hathaway!

  16. 67

    Bradley Cooper!

  17. 68

    I would love to see the cast of Le Mis……….or Downton Abbey. I know it is a British show…..but come on, how fashionable are those actresses.!!!

  18. 69

    I don’t think I’ve seen a single Oscar nominated movie! Terrible! I really want to see Les Mis so maybe Anne Hathaway?

  19. 70

    Amy Adams

  20. 71

    Hugh Jackman

  21. 72

    Jessica Chastain! I love her!

  22. 73

    Jessica Chastain and Daniel Day Lewis

  23. 74
    Rachael H. says:

    I would love to see Kate Winslet. She is always so classy! But I love Jennifer Lawrence too :)

    thanks for the chance!!

  24. 75

    Hugh Jackman and Sally Field

  25. 76

    I like Kate Hudson. I don’t see her on the cover, but would love to see her anyway.
    Gwendolyn T´s last blog post ..Borthers All Natural Fruit Crisps Giveaway Ends 3/9

  26. 77

    Ben Afleck??
    Robin´s last blog post ..the Word

  27. 78
    Jessica B. says:

    I love Anne Hathaway but more recently Jennifer Lawerence’s dresses have been fun to wait to see.
    jesslburke @ hotmail . com

  28. 79

    Daniel Day Lewis

  29. 80

    I would love to see spunky talented Jennifer Lawrence on the cover (hopefully not a shot of her falling down at the Oscars but even that would be ok)