Did I mention I was writing a book?

Um, yeah.

An e-book.

So it’s not like, you know, I’m a published author or anything fancy like that.

But still a book, that you buy and is then downloaded to your computer.  (Maybe even Kindle if I get my act together).

Kinda like iTunes, only for…books.

So, yeah…anyway…I’ve been writing a book.

I haven’t said anything about it here for two reasons:

1) I didn’t want to tell much of anyone (online or not) in case I quit halfway through and never finished.  It was a very real possiblity.  Because you know, I have all the time in the world to be writing a book of any kind.  Nothing else going on in my life.  Nothing at all.

2) The truth is that it has absolutely zip, zero, zilch, nada to do with anything about Life Rearranged, my family, or frankly, what a vast majority of my readers would be interested in to begin with.

So what’s it about?


No, not really.  Kidding.

You see, another thing I’ve never mentioned on this blog space before (I don’t think) is that for about 2 years, I worked for my friend Lindsey.

I helped with her email, ad management, and a whole host of other back end business-y stuff that goes with running a blog and handmade business.

It was all from home and mostly during naptime.

It wasn’t a secret (um, I just wrote a book about it so clearly that’s not the case!) just that it didn’t really seem all that applicable to anything I ever wrote about here, you know?

Anyway…having made lots of blogging friends over the years, and the fact that not only was I a blogger myself, but was also working as an assistant to another blogger…I found that I was being asked for advice a lot.

About my experience.  Tips.  Suggestions.  Thoughts.

Should I hire help?  What should I look for?  What do you think of hiring my sister’s neighbor?  What types of stuff can an assistant do for me?  Do you think it’d be worth it?

I never really thought much of it until she emailed me some similar questions.

I responded (lengthy…because am I ever conscise?!) and she told me I had to write an e-book.

Had to.

I lauged.  Out loud.

Not as in LOL.  But actually.

Seriously?  Me?  A book?  Do you know what else I’ve got going on?  Do you know how little free time I have to begin with?  Have you seen how gross my toilets are?  And you think I should write a book…electronic or any other type?

Like I said: laughed. out. loud.

But it got me thinking.

Because there’s something you should know about me:

I’m an idea girl.  I dream big.  I always have these grand plans.  Great visions.  What can I say?  I think a lot.

And too often I don’t DO.

Too often I chalk things up to simply being ideas, not having time, money, resources, my kids are too little, maybe later in life…whatever.  And I really hate that I do that.  I hate that I don’t often enough say YES!  I’ll do it!  Sure thing!  Why not?!

And…in an itty bitty teeny tiny embarrassed blushing squeaking voice…I can’t even make eye contact…I have this little dream that someday I’ll write a book.  A real book.  On real paper.  With real glue.  And real ink.  And it might only sell 5 copies, but I have this dream that I can hold in my hands a published manuscript of words that came from my heart and my soul…if nothing else, just to say that I did it. I want to write a book.  One day.  When I’m a grown up.

So, this ebook concept triggered a desire inside of me.  It’s not the book topic of my dreams, or of never ending relevance that will be handed down to generations…but it may be the closest I ever get to writing a book…and you know what?  I’m okay with that.

Because at least I can now say I did it.


I didn’t say no.

I didn’t shove it aside.

I, for once, and with three kids 4 and under…I said yes.  Sure.  Why not?

So, thank you to my sweet friend who encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone.  Who has been my biggest cheerleader.  Who was just bossy enough to not really let me say no.

Thank you to Nelle for watching the kids while I holed up in my room to write.

A sloppy kiss and bear hug to my husband for going along with another hair brained plan of mine.

And a big, giant, and very humble thank you to the women who agreed to contribute to the ebook as well.  I was shocked when each and every one of you emailed back agreeing to participate.  I may, or may not, have even done a little dance each time.

(It feels a bit like an awards show acceptance speech doesn’t it?  Except I’m in bed in my pjs.  Listening to Dave Matthews.  Close enough.)

So, if you want, you can check out the separate website I created for book sales.  I really wanted to keep this space at Life.Rearranged “pure”.  Because like I said, the book topic has absolutely nothing to do with what we do here…and I didn’t want to muddy the waters.  I’ll keep y’all updated in general (who knows, I might only sell 3 copies!), but the main sales and such that go along with the ebook will stay in the other space.

There you have it.

I wrote an (e)book.

Peace out.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1


    super thrilled about this.
    i hope to snag a copy soon.
    way to go, champion! xo

  2. 2

    You are awesome! So excited for you! You should be very proud of yourself!

  3. 3

    Good for you!!! That is a HUGE accomplishment!!

  4. 4

    VERY cool! I am totally grabbing this soon!

  5. 5

    That is awesome!!!! I’m going to promote you now…via the networks…

  6. 6

    Wow! That is very exciting!!

  7. 7

    I’m so proud of you wifey. Nice work.

  8. 8

    Cool bananas!! That’s exciting!! What a beautiful accomplishment!

  9. 9
    Carrie R. says:

    “Too often I chalk things up to simply being ideas, not having time, money, resources, my kids are too little, maybe later in life…whatever. And I really hate that I do that. ”

    I could have written this sentence myself. I don’t know how many times I tell my husband my crazy, hair brained ideas and NEVER follow through with them. Too often he’s agreed to let me buy something so I can let my craftiness flow, yet there are unfinished projects laying about the house.

    Congrats to you for doing what you really wanted. I think it’s awesome!

  10. 10

    Congratulations on the launch of your new E-Book! :) I’ll definitely have to snag myself a copy of this. It’s right up my alley right now. And, it may not be a “published” book, but in these tech-crazy days, I think it still qualifies you as a published author. :)

  11. 11

    This is so exciting!!! Congrats!!! I really hope you release it on the Kindle :)

  12. 12

    Way to go! I’m having trouble getting traffic since my blog went from being about infertility to about motherhood. Lost probably 85% of my readers. I need to find new networking avenues I believe. Maybe someday I’ll NEED to read your ebook!

    I too have always wanted to write a book… just not sure what about yet. But it’s still on the dream shelf of my life! Best of luck to you!!!

  13. 13

    I LOVE the idea. While I am a blogger but not in business for myself I still love the idea of the arrangement you worked out with Lindsey! Such a fantastic idea to help out a fellow entrepreneur and get a little cash in the door also! If you ever hear of anyone needing similar help dont hesitate to send them my way!

  14. 14

    Very cool – congrats!

  15. 15

    So funny, I am doing the same thing! Totally unrelated to my blog niche, but a big part of my life. I’m just getting all of my ideas down and I too have done little dances with every woman who has agreed to share their story! It’s a bit intimidating and exciting, isn’t it? Blessings to you on your journey!


  16. 16

    good for you! i bet it’s wonderful. i’m so proud.