Blissdom Captured!

My ultra talented friend Lisa put together this sweet video.

It PERFECTLY shares what Blissdom was like.

And if you look close, you’ll see me a couple of times!  ;)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    saw this! LOVE it! and totally recognized your pretty little mug when i saw it the first time! :) hope you’re feeling better… :) J
    Jessica Johnson´s last blog post ..20 Truths

  2. 2

    so fun!
    patty´s last blog post ..February Resolutions