Sweet Mornings

I’m an early bird.

I need quiet.  Calm.  Serenity.

Before my day begins.

You see, my kids, love them as I do, wake up 100%.

They are not quiet and half asleep, playing quietly for the first 30 minutes kids.

No, they wake up jumping and laughing and squealing IMMEDIATELY.

And I just can’t go from 0 to 60 like that.

So, I get up at 4:30.  (yes, you read that right).

Surf the net, respond to emails, write my posts and sip a cup of Joe.

By the time my kids wake up, I’ve had 2 hours of absolute darkened silence to enjoy.


Sometimes, I even do a quick grocery store run at 6.

Everyone’s still asleep and the store is empty.

And I always bring back my FAVESIES breakfast ever.


A freshly baked sesame seed bagel, orange juice with HEAVY pulp, and cream cheese smathered to the sky.

I cannot have cream cheese in my house on a regular basis.

I have no willpower.  It must go on thick and heavy.  Always.  Otherwise, what’s the point?

Orange juice must have giant chunks of pulp or I won’t even bother.

I want it to be like eating an orange without the obnoxious peel under your fingernails.

And ice.  OJ must always have ice.

Yesterday, Henry ambled down early.

A sleepy head, fingers still in his mouth, stinky blanket wrapped tight.

“Mama, can I hang out with you?”


“Of course Buddy.  Here, mama got a special breakfast.  Let’s eat together.  Just mama and Henry.”

And so we did.

Just us.

Me and my boy.

He and his blueberry bagel, I and my sesame.

And we chatted.

Like two old birds.

About rocket ships and basketball games and how we forgot to go on the teacups at Disneyland so we need to go back again.

We talked about the baby in mama’s tummy.

How exciting it will be to have another kid in the house.

How he wants to play trains with it.

“Mama, if you do this with your tongue, you don’t need a napkin!”

And it was sweet.

And finally, we heard the girls.

“Mama, we should go get the sisters.  They’re awake now.”

“Yes, yes we should.”

“Hurry Mama, I miss them!”

And we went upstairs to find these two bedheaded, snot nosed beauties.

It was a good day.

And the little bean in my belly makes me happy.

Because we yell.  We scream.  We cry.  We have bad days.

But they’re always good days.  Even when they are terrible.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Oh how I miss those days Jeannett!! Enjoy them…every…single…moment. They will slip away while you are being busy. You and Andy are truly blessed. Love you all.

  2. 2

    Sweet indeed. Sigh.

  3. 3

    Oh. My. Goodness.
    This post just turned me into a big Sarah puddle.
    Is it okay that I want the moments that you had this morning (in the future- I don’t have children yet)?
    Because I do.
    Sarah´s last blog post ..It’s That Time Again

  4. 4

    I love your blog. although did I miss something or are you actually prego? You mentioned it on the costco trip and again today. if so congrats! thats way exciting! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  5. 7

    You really DO have another one on the way?? YAY!!!!!!! I thought you were just messin’ with the old lady at Costco!
    Vanessa @ He Gives Hope´s last blog post ..Hands Off

  6. 8

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to read all about your adventures as a future-mama-of FOUR!
    Eli´s last blog post ..going on four days now

  7. 9
    Karen Becker says:

    Hi, read your blog often. Love the way you interpret your daily stories. I am also a mom of a 15 yr old son, a 13 yr old daughter and a 7 yr old daughter.

    I must say, when your son said that he wanted to hang with you, OMG, how sweet. My son always stays up last and we watch tv together. My girls are my girls, but something about my son is so special to me. We can talk, shop, hang, doesn’t matter.

    • 10

      oh Karen! That’s like my wish come true: for my son…at 15 to still want to hang out. Not as his friend, but as his Mama that he loves and trusts. What a sweet relationship you have!

  8. 11

    awww. what a treasure. those quiet moments together. what a joy to journey through life as a mom. seems like lots of posts today are about motherhood. lots to relate to as i celebrate my 21st anniversary of becoming one.
    purejoy´s last blog post ..motherhood

  9. 12

    Jeanette- Your children are such darlings!
    Laurissa´s last blog post ..Blanket of Snow

  10. 13

    Oh, Jeannett, I LOVE THIS!!!! It sounds so wonderful to get up and have this peace early in the am with such quiet stillness. whenever i do get up before the kiddos it is so beautiful and i feel so fabulous! thanks for sharing! you amaze me!!

    • 14

      It is the ONLY way I’m able to stay sane. I know it sounds crazy that getting up at the wee hours is sanity inducing, but it is. Every once in a blue moon I will sleep until the kids wake, and my day is RUINED. I can’t get my footing all day long! I love the chaos that so many littles bring…but it has to be balanced with some Mama time too. :)

  11. 15

    This made me all snot nosed too, such a sweet Mama heart you have…love it!
    Jenni Carlisle´s last blog post ..YOU did it!

  12. 16

    Precious! That’s all I can say. Except, it’ll be fun to see you with 4 (or 5?). :) JK Love reading about your family. hugs
    Robbin´s last blog post ..Boring for youa new adventure for me

  13. 17

    i so love this. thank you for sharing your “moments” with us :)
    lisa @thebeadgirl´s last blog post ..You Are A Shining STAR love token

  14. 18

    A very belated congrats on your new baby bean!Fun fun! Apparently this (our 4th child) qualifies both of us to be in the crazy club. So weird.
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..Box Car Children

  15. 19

    Oh my goodness, 4:30???!!! I don’t know if we can be friends anymore! :)

    What time do you go to bed at night? That is seriously crazy impressive. I know what you mean about getting some alone time before everyone gets up, but I have such a hard time not feeling tired if I get up too early. I wish I was a morning person like you!
    Brianna´s last blog post ..LOST- it is finished!

  16. 20

    I love this post. You are a woman after my own heart—> an early riser. I wake up at 5am for all of the exact same reasons. I love that time in the morning to focus and reflect and prepare to be the best wife, mommy, sales rep, blogger, child of god I can possibly be!
    And then like you… I love the moments that are shared when the little ones wake up and the day begins:)))

    Love these days!
    Melissa´s last blog post ..headed for BLISS