Some Christmas Cheer

Why does this make me tear up?

Don’t know.

But it does.

I’m getting to be quite the sap in my old age.

Merry (almost here) Christmas friends.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Danielle Frederick says:

    I had to get some tissue, too! How can you not when they get to “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” then “FOREVER AND EVER!!” Thanks so much for sharing this.

  2. 2

    You just made my day! :)
    Shirley L´s last blog post ..Bathroom Redo

  3. 3

    Oh, man, that was good. I teared up, too. You totally need to send that to Al–choir needs to do that somewhere around town! Thanks for sharing.

  4. 4

    Me too! Totally crying and trying to hold it in, it was gorgeous!!!!!

  5. 5

    Totally crying…love that the Glory of God is sung over a mall food court – wonderful! Thanks of sharing!!

  6. 6

    I totally cried when I saw this a couple weeks ago. I had goosebumps and tears all over! My husband laughed at me but seriously hearing God praised in the mall food court was so great!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Advent

  7. 7

    so many people have posted this on fb and have tweeted and blogged about it and i don’t ever get tired of seeing it. random acts of culture… and even people not associated with it sang along, too. it was awesome. thanks for sharing!
    purejoy´s last blog post ..hee heee heeeee…

  8. 8

    I cried during this, too. haha
    Brittany´s last blog post ..Ten on Tuesday 7 59