Happy Day to ME!

Why helllllllooooo there!

Guess what today is???!!!


If you are visiting from SITS…howdy!

If you have no idea what SITS is, it stands for Secret Is in The Sauce and is a group of 7,000+ bloggers dedicated to supporting one another by leaving comments.  Lots and lots of comments.

Everyday SITS features a blogger, and today is MY day!  Yippee!

Okay, so if you are new here, you might be wondering what is going on.

For starters, I’m a stay at home mom.  I have three uber cute kids if I do say so myself.  :)

But I’d like to think my blog is anything but a Mommy Blog.  Yes, I often talk about my kids and my life.

I rant and rave about things.

I blog a lot about my bizarre trips to Costco.  Or how I had a Walmart Moment.  Or show you just how large a twin belly can get.

I do all that typical bloggy stuffs.

I even try to be funny.  But the jury’s still out on that one.

But ultimately, I believe in Story.

That everyone has one.

And that NONE of us has it all together.

Each of us has a very different life from the one we…you know…PLANNED.

But at the end of the day, we can learn from one another, and through Story…we can be a little bit better for it.

Every two weeks I host a guest blogger.  (You can find a full list of previous featured bloggers HERE).

Every two weeks that mama tells her own version of how her life was rearranged.  How it wasn’t anything like what she ever thought it might be.

Their lives brought with it tears, sadness, heartache, frustrations, angry rants…but above all, more joy and happiness and love than they even knew possible.

Each guest blogger selects a charityto fundraise for.  AND, the fundraiser also incorporates a giveaway.  Basically, if Sue gives $11 to the charity of the week, she gets 11 virtual tickets for the item/s being given away.  The more she gives, the more chances she has to win.

“Life doesn’t always go as planned.  Help others anyway.”

In fact, if you are visitng from SITS today, I would urge you to please check out the current Feature Blogger.  Maybe even consider giving.  If you don’t click on a single link on this post, I would say that THIS one is that you should take the time to click.

Anyhoo…I hope you had a nice visit!  I would be honored if you took the time to snoop around and maybe even subscribe and stay a while!

For those of you Regulars…thanks for hanging out during my party!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Latest posts by jeannett (see all)


  1. 51

    Happy SITS DAY!

  2. 52

    Hi Jeannett! I have spent way too time on your blog already, I should really get to work. You are a wonderful, talented, funny writer that keeps readers engaged for longer than they meant to. Your Walmart moment was not what I thought it would be when I clicked on it and really moved me. You have three beautiful children. And the concept of guest blogging and giving is fantabulous! I just may have to follow you…

    Happy SITS Day! Enjoy the comment love today.

  3. 53

    I checked out your blog and your family is beautiful!
    Missy´s last blog post ..Happy Weekend!

  4. 54

    I love your motto!

    although I feel a bit left out because I am not a mama! :)

  5. 55

    grats on your SITS day :)
    Jenny´s last blog post ..Blog Hop – Happiness

  6. 56

    Congrats on your SITS day!!

    I love the purpose of this blog. What a refreshing and uplifting motive for writing!

    And so true — life is never how we had planned it!
    Katie P´s last blog post ..Chopper Winner!

  7. 57

    Happy SITS Day. You have a beautiful family. I think what your doing is such a great thing.

  8. 58

    What an amazing thing you are doing by using your blog to give back.
    I can’t wait to look around.

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  9. 59

    Congrats on your featured day! I think what you are doing is wonderful. Bless you for doing your part to help out!

  10. 60

    I am absolutely intrigued with your blog- good for you girl; way to put the thoughts and aspirations that many of us have into action!!! I’m visiting from SITS- but I totally want to stay. I’m following girl- anytime you can stroll my way and paruse my Mom-dom blog, I would love it. COngrats on your SITS day!!


  11. 61

    happy, happy Sits day! You blog is fab, I am glad I stopped by.
    MsBabyPlan´s last blog post ..Sunday In London- Retrieving My Summer Holidays In Italy

  12. 62

    Hello from a fellow mom of twins! Love what you’re doing with your blog—keep up the good work!
    Kim´s last blog post ..A Leaf or Two-Thousand

  13. 63

    Happy SITS day! I’m a new subscriber for sure!
    Untypically Jia´s last blog post ..I Avoid Most Things Controversial Until Now

  14. 64

    Happy SITS Day! I’m looking forward to taking a look around and reading more, because I loved reading your intro and your story. My life hasn’t turned out the way I thought it would, either, and I am always curious to see what’s in store down the road. More surprises, I’m sure. :) But that really is the beauty of life!

  15. 65

    happy sits day!
    cailen´s last blog post ..are you king of anything

  16. 66

    Aww, your lil ones are adorable and I like the motto of your blog. Very cute! Happy SITS day :)
    Tiffany´s last blog post ..Happy 1 month- my lil Prince

  17. 67

    I love your belief…that everyone has a Story. Made me tear up…off to read, and probably subscribe :)
    Ginger´s last blog post ..Enlightenment

  18. 68

    Congrats girl! Love, Love, LOVE your blog! :)

  19. 69

    HAPPY SITS DAY!!!!!!
    Sarah Ruth´s last blog post ..My Husband Rocks Friday- Sweetest Guy!

  20. 70

    Happy SITS Day!! Your kids are SO uber cute! I love your message ~ that everyone has a story. So true!!!
    Rachel {at} Mommy Needs a Vacation´s last blog post ..The BEST Monday in the History of Mondays!

  21. 71

    Wow! Just . . . wow! Great blog. LOVE the writing style! And (of course) the stories. Happy SITS day!
    Jenny @ The Homemade Diva´s last blog post ..Personalized Baby Bibs

  22. 72

    Congratulations on your SITS day! You sure do have some cute kids and I love what you are trying to accomplish with your blog!

  23. 73

    Happy SITS Day to you! I just love your blog! What a great way to give back! =]
    NIkkolish´s last blog post ..Can I get a new phase- please

  24. 74

    Congrats on your SITS day. I love how you’re raising money for various charities. That is such a wonderful thing to do. <3
    Mothers’ Hideaway´s last blog post ..Blog for a Cause &8211 Lupus vs Me

  25. 75

    Happy SITS day! Beautiful blog and beautiful family!

  26. 76

    Congratulations on your SITS day! How cool is that? I really have to applaud your efforts at raising money for charity – what a terrific way to use your blogging skills for good! Kudos to you! I’m totally adding you to my feedly so I can come back and have a look around when I have more time.

    Hope you have a great SITS day!

    Michelle ;)
    Michelle´s last blog post ..DIY Green Living Blog Discovery

  27. 77

    Congratulations on your day to Shine with SITS! Enjoy………….
    Debby´s last blog post ..POST IT NOTE TUESDAY

  28. 78

    Hi, Jeanette, I’ve read through some of your posts. It looks like you have an amazing family and have had to rise to some challenges you would rather have not had to. My hat’s off to you for your optimistic outlook and your willingness and determination to help others. Happy SITS day.

  29. 79

    Congratulations on your day. I had my SITS Day a few months ago and loved it. SITS is a great time made up of great bloggers.
    Julie {Angry Julie Monday}´s last blog post ..Mickey’s Halloween Party

  30. 80

    Your blog is absolutely beautiful! I love the design and colors, and just…everything. I think it’s wonderful that you do your part to give back to the community, not everyone has it in them to be so compassionate.

    Happy SITS day, I hope you have an awesome time!
    Alexis´s last blog post ..gay marriage

  31. 81

    Hi Jeannett! Yes, I’ll be staying for a while =) Glad to meet you! Happy SITS Day! =)
    Viviene´s last blog post ..What is your dream job

  32. 82
    Anonymous says:

    1. Your blog is lovely looking.
    2. I love your creative way to combine featuring bloggers, giveaways and helping charities!
    3. MY life was rearranged. I thought I’d be a rich and famous actress in LA and here I am a SAHM in the suburbs of Nashville! (I love it.)
    4. I’m off to see how big a twin belly can get.

    Happy SITS DAY!

  33. 83

    So…that anonymous comment up there? That was me at the end of a full-on yucky day and half a glass of wine FORGETTING to enter my name, email and website. (bowing) THANK YOU.

  34. 84

    Congrats on your SITS Day! You have some adorable cute kids! I am headed over to check out your guest blogger. Hope you have a GREAT Day!
    Brandy´s last blog post ..Flower Hair Barrettes

  35. 85

    happy sitsday!
    c.c.´s last blog post ..random quarter

  36. 86

    Happy Sits-day! I love your blog and have now subscribed. I also have twins (now age 7). I love that you raise money for charities. That is a beautiful idea and a perfect platform for you blog.

  37. 87

    Came over from SITS. Love that quote! Glad to see people making the best of things.
    Karen T´s last blog post ..Make a Jewelry Display from What You Have in Your Kitchen

  38. 88

    So great to read your blog! I love the colors too.

  39. 89

    Happy SITS Day. You have a great blog and what a great idea to use it for fund raising for nonprofits.

  40. 90

    Happy SITS day!! Enjoy your special day! :)
    Alana @ Domestically Challenged´s last blog post ..Tip Tuesday – Do You Have a Mom Stress Relief Plan

  41. 91

    Happy SITS Day and congratulations on being featured. I enjoyed your guest blogger piece and send you and your gorgeous family hugs and love. Keep up the great work you do!
    ElizOF´s last blog post ..Compassion- We All Need Some…

  42. 92

    Happy SITS Day! What a fabulous blog you have here!
    Brenna´s last blog post ..Tuesday Top Ten- buying handmade…

  43. 93

    Yeah for SITS! :)
    No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane´s last blog post ..of major concern

  44. 94

    yay for your SITS day. I was wondering how to become a ‘featured blogger.’ Please stop by my blog and read some of our story. We love to let others know about our journey, and I’d love the opportunity to share here. -amanda
    amanda´s last blog post ..Ten on Tuesday

  45. 95

    Happy SITS day! I was here yesterday, before your official SITS day post went up, and I did a bunch of snooping around. LOL

    Love your concept! I’ll be in touch as they say.

  46. 96

    Congratulations on your SITS day (even if I am a little late to the party). Your blog concept is the most creative one that I think I have ever come across. Nice to “meet” you!

  47. 97

    What a fantastic idea.

    Happy SITS day.

    And your kids are uber cute.

    LisaDay´s last blog post ..Everyone Knows Obviously!