
I was bored.

I can only go to Target so many times in one week.

So, I thought: “Hey!  I’ll take the kids to the library!”

I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Actually, the trip was fine.

In fact, if I could only keep this crazy monkey off the furniture it would have been perfectly pleasant.

My climber.  Her brother never climbed.  Anything.  This chick…climbed out of her crib yesterday.

Heard a huge THUD…found her giggling and trying to open the door to escape.

My hair is turning gray by the minute.

But how mad can I get at this face???


Can we pause for a moment to gaze at Lucy’s fat little Fred Flintstone sausage toes all scrunched into baby Havaianas???

Cracks me up.

The kid tables were the perfect height for Jilly to sit in the stroller and play.

Look at my big girl all quiet and concentrating!

She’s gonna take over the world…you watch.

Henry put on a puppet show with some ratty stuffed animal that I wanted to bathe in Germ-X.

Then he played with puzzles.

That I also wanted to drench in Germ-X.

Lu thought she’d get fancy and puzzle it up too.

Until she started trying to eat said nasty-needs-to-be-sanitized puzzle pieces.

Funny how we have puzzles at home that are used as projectile objects…

Yet here…they couldn’t get enough of them.

They even shared.

For about 12 seconds.

Or at least until I was done snapping this picture.

And Lucy made a new friend.

She was quite enamored.

I think the library was a success overall.

We’ll see how it goes at our weekly storytime!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Too fun! Do they let the parent attend the storytime now? Back when Anna went, parents weren’t allowed in the room during storytime! SOoooo odd. Such cute kiddos, and I love that you took them to the library!
    Brianna´s last blog post ..Stoned

  2. 2

    First of all, “bored” and “Target” should never be used in close proximity of one another.
    When I take my four to our rinky-dink-filled-with-seniors-who-shush-too-much library, only Katie actually hunts for books. The other three fight over the one computer with kids’ programs on it. Oh, and we have the same programs on one of our computers here at home that they won’t go near. Figures.

  3. 3

    Brianna, that is a crazy library you went to.

    We heart the library. We go every week, but we don’t do story time. Too many kids, too many germs. My kids never want to read books we own, just the ones we borrow! I guess the knowledge that the books leave makes them more enticing. Enjoy your local library, it’s a great place to go with the kids to beak up the day.

  4. 4


  5. 5

    you are brave. i’ve decided i don’t like the library with three kids in tow. but i am lazy.