Just a little bit longer…

Hey guys!

Normally, today would be the start of a new guest blogger, fundraiser and giveaway.

But it’s not.

For a variety of reasons:

1) most of the first week that Matt’s story was hosted, giveforward (our donation handlers) were doing a major website upgrade and things weren’t working.  boo.  hiss.  So, I felt like it wasn’t really the full two weeks of fundraising.

2) we have been so stinking busy the last few weeks/months that I really didn’t blog a whole lot and/or encourage my readers (that would be you) to give.  Much of my “job” in this thing is to be the rally-er, the cheerleader, the gentle reminder.  I didn’t do a whole lot of that the last two weeks.

3) to be honest…I just know…KNOW…we can raise more money for them!  There is just. no. way. we can get to the end of this…after reading Matt‘s heart poured out…watching one of the most poignant videos I have ever watched…and at the end of it…have raised barely over $100.  It just doesn’t seem right.

So, here is my homework assignment for YOU.

Yup, you’re gettin’ homework.  Suck it up.

But don’t stress.  It’s easy.

1) Read (or re-read) Matt’s post.  It’s brilliant.

2) Seriously consider givingONE DOLLAR. Five?

If every single person who reads this post gave just ONE MEASLY DOLLAR, we would raise over $1,000!!!

A buck.  Truly.  Think about it.

(And please don’t be scared by the automatically filled in $50 amount in the widget…it’s a “new” feature.  I hate it.  I’ve emailed giveforward to let them know that it might be scaring people off into thinking that they have to give $50.  SOOOOO not the case.  At all.  Move your cursor over it and you can change it.  Try it.)

3) Maybe you can’t give right now.  Or maybe you gave but want to help more.  Help spread the word. I know you have a Facebook account.  Don’t lie.  The whole earth does.  Twitter?  A blog?  Email a couple friends?  Here, I’ll make it crazy easy for you…just copy/paste the info below into the social media platform of your choice.  See, you don’t even have to think!  :)

If there is nothing else you read online today, it should be THIS.  Help by giving even ONE DOLLAR! Every  bit helps!  http://bit.ly/a2gwxe

And with that, I will leave you to think about your part in this today.

Each of us can do something.

Even if it seems little.

Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!!!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I’m so glad you are extending it. Its so worth it. I only wish I could contribute, but my car broke down over the weekend and now I’m facing major repairs. That’s so lame. I can still give a couple of dollars. I did post the link on my facebook. Happy Fundraising! Oh and p.s. to your previous post on fashion…. Amen, Hallelujah someone else feels the way I do. On every stinkin’ item you put up. Lord help me when my 3 girls are teenagers!