
eight years ago today, I had hardly slept in over 48 hours.

(nervous!  stressed!)

eight years ago today, I was a nervous wreck running around making sure all of the details came together.

(so many months of planning!  execution people!)

eight years ago today, I cried when I saw that they brought the “wrong” roses.

(they were *way* too little!)

which meant my cake would be “wrong”.

(the tiers were supposed to be “floating” on a bed of roses.  fail.)

eight years ago today, I cringed when I saw that my gag christmas gift made it to to the top of the cake.

eight years ago today, the strapless bra contraption I had on was digging so far into my skin I thought I was going to have a permanent crease.

(it didn’t, but I now have different creases in my skin!  ugh.)

eight years ago today, my boyfriend of four years became my husband…

and we embarked on a journey that we never would have believed had someone tried to tell us that bright sunny June day.

Wee, naive 21 year olds.

We never would have believed that we would have three babies.


A mortgage.

But…no minivan.


eight years ago I married the boy who would become the father of my children.

I know that most kids like their dads.

But honestly…I cannot convey to you…

How *MUCH* my kids just adore their Daddy.


the man who I still get butterflies when I see that the clock reads 5:40 and I know he’ll be home any minute.

no one makes me laugh harder.

with no one else can I be my most goofy self.

(as you can see from these photos where we just. can’t. keep. a. straight. face.)

no one can make me so. so. so. angry.

(oh how he can make my blood *boil*!)

no one can annoy me to my wits end

(on purpose!).

no one can hurt my feelings more.

(because I care what he thinks more than anyone on the planet!)

a big bear hug from my husband makes every worry melt away.

even if only temporarily.

Our anniversary gets a bit buried in the shuffle this time of year, but even still:

Happy Eight Babe.

Love you Poophead.

(p.s. there should be a BUNCH of pictures in this post…can you see them???)

Have you donated to Meg’s charity yet???


Win a SheyB!


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Happy Anniversary!

    (p.s. I can’t see the pics)
    .-= Tonya Lynn´s last blog ..camping and scrapbooking =-.

  2. 2

    Yes, I can see them! Beautiful! What a precious post. Your train is breathtaking. Happy Anniversary!

  3. 3

    yay!!! happy anniversary!! love the pictures!
    .-= Kristen Borland´s last blog ..For You, Mikie =-.

  4. 4

    Congratulations! I couldn’t see the pictures on my google-reader, but when I went to the actual site I could see them. All of the pics are great! Happy Anniversary!

  5. 5

    Happy Anniversary!!! The pictures are great!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Your pregnancy: 32 weeks =-.

  6. 6

    (: I hope someday I can find someone who I’ll be just as happy as you are!

    You guys are adorable<3 & I love how you're sillyness hasn't been changed even after the struggles and events and lovely kids that have been placed in your lives!

    Love you both! This post made me smile(:

  7. 7

    I believe being married for 13 years on June 21 makes YOU the copy cats, my dear. But nonetheless, have a wonderful anniversary with Mr. Poophead. I don’t know him very well, so I thought I should add the Mr. as a title of respect. ahem.

  8. 8

    Ooh- I know! We’ll come down your way and watch your babies so you can have a night out, then you can watch all of ours while we go away for a weekend! Sound good? :-)

  9. 9

    every day is a poop day, so it’s fitting that you would call andy poophead. happy anniversary!

  10. 10

    Happy Anniversary! I feel the same way about my Hubby too! We celebrated our 8 yr anniversary at the end of last month and he was also 21 when we got married! I’m 9 months older, so I was 22! :)

    P.S. Can’t see your pics and tried to see this post in both IE and Firefox. :(
    .-= Veronica´s last blog ..Bittersweet =-.

  11. 11

    Happy Anniversary to you! We share the same day…only we stand at seven. :-) I have yet to scan the embarrassing pics, however….and I think it’s just pathetic that I have to SCAN them to begin with. Can we say OLD?! :-) Have a good one!

  12. 12

    Awwww, Happy 8th Anniversary you two!! Hubs and I are the SAME WAY with each other and I feel so lucky to have found that person I can completely be myself with. I love that picture of you sitting looking off, so hilarious :)
    .-= Kirsten´s last blog ..To the SNOW Jeeves… =-.

  13. 13

    Happy Anniversay! I couldn’t see the pictures though.

  14. 14

    very lovely………..
    .-= val´s last blog ..Shrimp Linguine with Lemon Dressing =-.

  15. 15

    Super sweet post!

    No pics on this end, though.

    Bummer, dude.


  16. 16

    As usual, you crack me up. Congratulations, you kids, you. And darn if I couldn’t see pictures either. Don’t know why.
    .-= Robbin´s last blog ..Outside my door…Spring has sprung =-.

  17. 17

    I was there! It was beautiful! Can’t believe it was 8 years ago! Congrats on a fabulous wedding and marriage!