The Good News/The Bad News

{{I’m having a hard time getting all of my photos to load so bear with me as I fight learn wordpress…}}

The Good News: I got SO much traffic on my site the first *day* of our guest blogger, that I exceeded my month’s allowable bandwidth within 6 HOURS.

The Bad News: My site was down for a few hours until I got more bandwidth.

The Good News: I now know what bandwidth is.

The Bad News: I fuh-rEEked out when I got the email and had to google what the heck bandwidth was and why I exceeded it.

(Okay, computer people may kill me for this overly simplistic explanation, but if you think: cell phone minutes.  You get a certain amount for the month.  In this case, if you go over, they don’t charge you more, they shut you down.  So, I used up 1 month’s worth of “minutes” in 6 hours!)

The Good News: Yesterday we had a playdate with Lindsey and Lisa stopped by.  Yay!

The Great News: When you are friends with Lisa, it invariably means she’s gonna snap some pics of your kiddos and you’ll have photos.  Take *that* Sears!

The Bad News: A few hours after these photos, Lucy had her face sliced.  (My quilting ruler fell and swung down and the corner cut her face…)

The AMAZING FANTASTIC MAKES A MAMA WANT TO CRY NEWS: That the ruler just “happened” to cut her face where it did…and not her eye.  I shudder to think of what that would have been like.  {Thank you Lord for protecting my little girl.}

The Good News: We raised over $100 for the Cornelia deLange Syndrome the first day alone!!!!

The GREAT News: *You* still have time to donate and enter to win $75 in Lisa Leonard Jewelry!

The FANTASTIC News: If everyone who visited this site donated even $1…well, we’d be a force to be reckoned with!

If you haven’t already, would you consider giving even just $1?  Please don’t feel that we’ve reached our “goal” and don’t need more.

Give.  Maybe get.  Love on a fellow mama.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Peg Buchanan says:

    Oh my goodness Jeannett, what adorable pictures! Lisa is a very talented lady. I am so sorry that Lucy got hurt. I am sure your heart dropped to the floor when that happened. I donated and am encouraging all my fellow blog followers to do the same!
    Happy Wednesday!!!

  2. 2

    so fun having you guys over. i kinda like this excuse to hang out more often!

  3. 3

    Those pictures of Jill & Lucy so show their personalities! LOVE them! So sorry Lucy got hurt though…I know it hurts you just as bad. I donated & I encourage everyone else to as well! Keep up the good work, Jeannett!

  4. 4

    the pics of the girls are so beautiful. lucky lu-lu. maybe that will be her new nickname? and now that you know what bandwidth is, you might qualify to be a computer nerd :)

  5. 5

    man, i fell hard for your girlies yesterday. a couple smiles and my heart is mush. glad lucy is okay. xxoo

  6. 6

    I just wanted to say that even though I don’t know you I am so glad that your little girl did not get hurt worse. We’ve had those kinds of accidents with our kids, where just a little bit further this way or that and the incident would have been so much worse. Her other pictures are so lovely-what a happy little cupcake!