Why I Love My Husband

There are two things that stand out especially lately:

#1: I had to get gas yesterday.

For the first time in probably over a year.

Ever since I got pregnant with the girls, Andy has always made sure I had gas.  I think it started because I was so big and uncomfortable and getting in and out of my car was such an arduous task that he took pity upon my humpty dumpty self and took care of it.  Since then, he just kinda kept going.  As a result, I find myself getting *super* pouty if I have to do it myself.

So, yesterday as I stood at the stinky pump, I remembered why I loved this chap.  (who says chap???  apparently I’m in a mood…)

#2: He brought home this beauty from a business trip.

Be. Still. My. Heart.

Claim Jumper Chocolate Motherlode Cake.

That comes in a box that is literally the size of a shoe box.

That we ate in two sittings.

The second time we added vanilla ice cream and hot fudge.

Because we are gluttons.

But it was good.

So. good.

In case the photos weren’t enough to make you want to run out and get yourself some, I thought I’d leave you with the official description:

A twenty-two year tradition. Six decadent layers of chocolate cake and rich chocolate fudge icing topped with walnuts. Featured on the Food Network as one of America’s “Top 5 Most Decadent Desserts”
I’d totally eat another one if there were more in the fridge.
While my husband was out filling my gas tank.
High maintenance?
Maybe a little.
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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    yummy chocolatey heaven! what a nice husband you have :)

    i love it when i don’t have to get gas in my car. total mans work ;)

  2. 2

    I think I stared at that cake for a full minute counting the layers and drooling! We’re going out to dinner tonight, hoping for that now! xoxoxo

  3. 3

    Completely and utterly jealous. Can you order one to have them send via mail? Can we make THIS a contest giveaway?! :)