Lucky, Lucky & A Bloggy Favor…

The girls have graduated to their big girl carseats now. I used the infant carriers up until this weekend, and while it was nice to be able to snap them right into the stroller (snap n go), I was constantly pulling something in my back trying to lift increasingly heavy baby and seat into and out of the car.

Today we went to Costco (Lu and Henry in the cart w/ Jill in the Ergo)…and when I got home and opened the car door, I couldn’t resist but to run inside, grab my camera and share with you all how *stinking lucky* I am.

THIS is the beautiful view I have:

Six, big beautiful blue eyes and three grins…makes me feel like a rock star.
(ok…so Henry is doing the fake “CHEESE” smile, but I’ll take what I can get…)

As for the favor…our dear friend Jon has gone off to Dartmouth University to get his MBA (clearly he is smarter than I can ever hope to be)…and is doing a project which requires the taking of a survey regarding Ocean Spray products. Obviously, the mommies reading my blog are the perfect audience…soooooo…if you wouldn’t mind, would you please take a quick minute to do the survey and help Jon out??? (And really, it seriously took me like 30 seconds…it’s short…)

Thanks everyone!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    what do i get for taking the survey?
    that is a beautiful sight to behold in your backseat. my kids are lined up in a row too and i love it.

  2. 2

    you ARE a rock star with grins like that!

  3. 3

    joy- you get ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS.

    No, just a big thank you from Jon Keith. Don't know him? Oh, sorry…

  4. 4


  5. 5

    Wow, they look HUGE! It was shocking to think that soon I will be transporting hefty babes instead of wee ones…my back aches already. I love that you said six eyes and three grins, lol, I always think in terms of 60 nails to trim. Your kids are beautiful and you are blessed.