Friday Favorites: Best {ever} Sugar Cookies

I’m a sugar cookie snob.

It must be sugary and sweet.

It must be crispy…but only on the edges.

It must be soft…but only in the center.

My all-time fave sugar cookie recipe:

Before you begin, it is of *utmost* importance that you have the right sous-chefs. Sugar cookie making is tricky business without the right help.

2 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 sticks of butter, softened
1 c. granulated sugar, plus extra for rolling
1 egg
2 tsp. vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 375. Whisk together flour, baking powder & salt.
2. Cream butter and sugar using an electric or stand mixer. (and if you don’t have a stand mixer by now…we. need. to. talk.)
3. Add egg & vanilla. Add dry ingredients from step 1.
4. Roll dough into little balls. Roll the balls in the extra sugar you have set aside (a cereal bowl works well).
5. Place your sugared balls (ok, kids…keep the jokes clean) on a baking sheet. Squish them down with the bottom of a glass cup. You may need to dip the bottom of the cup in sugar to keep it from sticking to the dough.
6. ***SPRINKLES***

7. Bake 10-11 minutes until golden brown.
8. Lick the dough right off the mixer blade…even if you know that your mother-in-law is having an COW right now…can you hear it???…”that’s how you get salmonella!!!” :)

9. Eat in horrifying amounts.

Especially good dunked in hot coffee.

Yeah, for breakfast…before the kids get up of course. :)

(oh, and these are too sticky for cutting shapes with cookie cutters so don’t try it.)

The winner of the Less Ordinary Designs Giveaway is:

Erin S.!!!


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I'm more of a gooey chocolate chip cookie kind of girl, but there are two times of the year when I love a good, soft sugar cookie with lots of icy and sugar sprinkles – Christmas and Valentine's Day! Not sure why, but it's true!

    Stopping in from SITS! Have a great day!

  2. 2

    OMG! Those pics are adorable! What an awesome post!

  3. 3

    You seriously just made me want to bake cookies! …and I was trying to be good!!

  4. 4

    What a coincidence…I made pink sugar cookies for Valentine's Day, too. These look so delish. Thanks for sharing! SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did…

    Reflecting on a Job Well-Done

  5. 5

    i love sugar cookies and coffee in the morning, too. i'll have to try your recipe because i have an amazing recipe from debbi weeks. maybe we should bake and trade and compare.

  6. 6

    yum. if i had some butter in the house these babies would already be in the oven :)

  7. 7

    Somehow we are out of vanilla or I would be making these right now! Your girls are getting so big! :) Great post.

  8. 8

    Somehow we are out of vanilla or I would be making these right now! Your girls are getting so big! :) Great post.

  9. 9

    I love how all of the kids have the same facial expression! :-)

  10. 10

    i love the pictures! i think it sums up the happiness of just baking with your family. i know i remember alot of times baking with my mom.

    im sure that these will be a handful of the main memories they will love and cherish.

    who doesn't like B&B;(baking and bonding)

    henry look so grown up!

    i love these "friday favorites" btw!

  11. 11

    I happened to have sugar cookie dough in the fridge from making heart cut outs earlier in the week, but I couldn't muster up enough energy to finsish off the batch. I totally used your tips for rolling them in sugar and pressing with a glass. They turned out SO good. I did frost before I sprinkled, but they didn't need it. I used great grandma Heldt's recipe, but I will definitely try yours next time I have the baking bug.