Thank You Cousin Mia!!!!

Henry would literally spend HOURS "cooking" and bringing me meals "Mommy, I make this for you!" when we were down at my grandma's house. Cousin Mia decided that she didn't play with her kitchen … [Read more...]

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

"You's been so hectic this year, and I'm so tired...let's not do a bunch of Christmas decorations...maybe just a tiny tree...?""What???!!! No WAY!"In case you were was Andy … [Read more...]

Woop Woop!

JILLY SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!She didn't wake up until almost 5:30 and then fell back asleep until 7.Don't cheer too loudly.Lucy, however, decided that this was the *perfect* time to start waking … [Read more...]

3:38 a.m.

CRASH!Babe? What was that?Is a baby crying?No. That big crash...did you hear it?Oh...yeah...Crap...was it...The tree. (Andy had picked it back up before I took a pic).We left it alone not wanting … [Read more...]

Ah, Parenthood…

I secretly knew that we would eventually have to convert our formal dining room into a playroom.Having three kids in 25 months sped that up a bit.We never ate at the dining room table.*maybe...MAYBE* … [Read more...]


This is really random, but I happened across this picture today...and is it just me, or does it totally look like one of those paparazzi photos of celebrities in People magazine?Well, except that I'm … [Read more...]

…at least he’s honest…?

So, do you think my hair looks okay like this?You mean unbrushed?Um, actually it's brushed...I put gel in it while it was wet to see if I could get the wavy-ness to actually work for me...Oh. So you … [Read more...]

Geek Moment of the Day: Fabric

I love fabric.I want to buy it all up.Stack it up by color.Lined up on shelves.So I can look at it sitting there all pretty like.I don't particularly want to *sew* with it since I hate sewing.I just … [Read more...]