My 2 New Favorite Colors



I’m not usually a “blue” kind of girl.

But it’s Lindsey’s fault.

She’s painted a few things in her house this aqua color.
(Behr’s Mermaid Net in case you were wondering).

And I felt so drawn to it.

Which is weird because I normally am not into blue or bright colors.

I’m more of a red, orange, browns and black. Dark, rich, deep…

But this ocean-y blue called my name.

And I needed an excuse to use it somewhere.

But I wasn’t sure how it would work with my existing decor.

And then…my A-HA moment.

My Le Creuset collection is RED.

And, good old Lindsey (are you seeing a theme here?), had once done a baby shower with aqua and red.

An odd combination, I know. I kinda wrinkled my nose at her when she first told me about it.

But, when I saw it in practice…I. LOVED. IT.

Loved. It.

So, I decided that my kitchen needed a re-vamp. To include aqua. :)



Not only do I love the color combo, but the blue makes the Le Creuset stand out more! (It’s just scrapbook paper lining the back).

My Family Rules were very strategically designed to go with my new aqua/red color scheme:

A couple of aqua placemat things that I put up like “art”:

My chalkboard embellishments:

The remaining pieces: my dad is building me a new kitchen table…that I’ll be painting the top white with aqua legs…and I NEED this print (hint, hint…Andy ::cough, christmas, cough::)…


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    you already know i like it. i commented on it earlier. looks good. hope andy gets the hint. i'll fb him too.

  2. 2

    this is joy, not cade.

  3. 3

    Cute redo on your china cabinet – love that you kept the wood color but added the background. Nice!

  4. 4

    I'm strangely drawn to that color scheme for some reason … :) Love. It.

  5. 5

    you silly girl! and your blog matches now too! i love the print. buy it for yourself and tell andy he's off the hook.

  6. 6

    Love it! It definitely gives it some POP! Can't wait to see it in person. I agree with Lindsey…Christmas is to far away…you need that picture NOW!

  7. 7

    As I was scrolling down and saw the wood, I was afraid you painted the wood (which people do and it does look pretty nice). But was pleasantly surprised. It looks really nice with the aqua background. And I love red, too. Haven't done a lot with it because I DO like blues. If I ever get in another place, I'm hoping to really do it up well with colors and things. We'll see. I'll try to do little things here. Good job, Jeannett!