first christmas gift of the season

These are the first few lines of Julie’s blog this morning:

As I sit and write this, in front of my beautiful computer,
a cup of coffee next to me, in my safe, big new home,
mothers are burying their babies.

This is not okay.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    SO glad you posted this–and what a small world, I'm friends (in real life!) with Jody Landers, who started "Water for Christmas". She's amazing, and I'm definitely donating today.

  2. 2

    Thanks for this, Jeannett. I just donated. I'll check back to see where your count is. Kiss the kids from me, please.

  3. 3

    I am so glad to see this. Peter and I have been working with Lifewater International for 10+ years and have traveled to Ecuador 3 times to teach trainers hygiene and santitation. Lifewater's office is in SLO! Their "life verse" is I Tim. 2:2 which, in essence says "to teach to train to train to teach" They provide the training to teach well drilling and pump repair as well as latrine building! The people OWN their provision for the life-saving clean water! Yes, every 15 seconds a child dies of a water related disease (in 2002 it was every 8 seconds, so it is improving), but, no child should die from a PREVENTABLE disease! All that to say, our heart is with you, but our money is going to Lifewater!

  4. 4

    thanks, jeannett, for letting us know! i donated.

  5. 5

    "I don't believe for a SECOND that any mother, in any country, no matter how destitute, does not feel the burning anguish for a dying or sick child."


  6. 6

    I had seen this on Joy's Hope too…and was going to donate this morning but got busy…now I just donated. You are so amazing all the things you make us aware of. Thanks for letting me spend time with you and those darling kids today. THAT is a gift in itself. I'm glad you are a good sharer.

  7. 7

    thanks, jeannett. what a great organization.