The pediatric neurologist…

came by to see Jill. Basically, she just confirmed everything else that the neonatal docs had said to us. It's a wait and see game. She hopes and expects that the shakes will go away with time, … [Read more...]

2/3 are

now home. Jill was doing better when we left, and her liver was functioning better. Her enzymes were in the 470s, where normal is 20-30 for one number, and the other was 300 something, where the … [Read more...]

Shout Out.

To Josh Erdman, who took the liberty of re-doing Jeannett's header here on her blog. As I told him, I can't play basketball with a baby in my arms, but I guess I'll have to learn quickly.Now that the … [Read more...]

Update and pictures.

On a real internet connection at the hospital outside of the NICU.Talked to the doctor, and they are now officially pretty confident it was oxygen deprivation in the womb and during birth. Her liver … [Read more...]

Head ultrasound….

Is already back. Of course, I have yet to talk to the doctor, but going over it with nurse there us no adema (swelling) or bleeding in the brain. So that is good. New labs will be drawn at 11, and … [Read more...]

I’m home…

to sleep. Wish I had energy to post pics, but just don't. I'll be back at SV NICU by 9am or so for said ultrasound.-Andy … [Read more...]

No spinal….

As it doesn't appear to be infection. Time is on our side, so they want to do head ultrasound and maybe ct in the morning. Hopefully just ultrasound.And she held down food, so she's good for now.-a … [Read more...]

Sitting here….

With big J. I'm holding her while we wait for the first blood tests. Pending results, she'll likely need a ct scan for brain swelling or bleeding or other irritation, or a spinal tap for infection … [Read more...]