De-Lurk Here

Why hellllllooooo there!

So, here’s the deal:

I know there’s a lot of you out there.

Don’t think I don’t have Google Analytics installed.

You think you’re sneaky, eh?

Reading my blog, sneaking out the backdoor to meet your other blog boyfriend?

Yeah, well, this mama ain’t dumb.

She hears that screendoor slam shut behind the three inch stillettos you can hardly walk in…

Actually, I totally understand.

I stalk blogs too.

The reality is that I often don’t have time to comment, or I feel like I don’t have anything to say (shocking), or I don’t have both hands free to actually type!

BUT, if you are a blogger, you know what I mean when I say that COMMENTS MATTER.

Honestly, they. make. my. day.

So, take this as a virtual guest book. Complete with a goofy feathered pen. And two little girls standing there supervising.

Take a sec, comment here, say hello, introduce yourself.

It’d make my day.

For reals.

Then you won’t feel so guilty when you think you’re being all stealth.

‘Cuz you’re totally not.

Just so you know.


(credit for de-lurk idea goes to gypsy mama!)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Latest posts by jeannett (see all)


  1. 403

    Just saying HI! :)

  2. 404

    soooo. weirdest thing ever. I was all ready to de-lurk myself. Cause I’m the biggest closet blogreader on the planet. I have commented maybe 4 times total during my blogreading days. Anyway, you totally called me (and everyone else) out on lurking about in the shadows and I thought it was pretty hilarious! So I go to comment and introduce myself, and the person before me who de-lurked is also named melody. So then I’m like, “did I already do this?” “Is this a trick?” the date on her post was 4 days ago. but it’s just funny to me! Anyway, I’m all good now. This is me, a different melody than the other one, and I haven’t introduced myself here before, and I’m now following your blog. I found you through Lindsey’s pleated poppy blog! :) I have 3 kids, thinking about 4, and they are each 18 months apart, and i COMPLETELY identify with everything you wrote about yoga pants… i live in them. and not to do yoga either.

  3. 405

    You had me at InstaFriday. :) I love your de-lurking idea. I think most blog readers are lurkers…and well, it’s just not as fun to lurk and not chat! I love your blog and love how honest you are, with a good dose of hilarity. I’ll be sticking around for a while! :)

  4. 406

    Hello there! De-lurking myself as requested!
    Love your blog. Encouraged by every post.
    Thanks for being normal. Transparent in fact! (for lack of a better word)

  5. 407

    Here’s the problem with de-lurking, or even commenting on a post for that matter, I feel such pressure to say something clever, or cute, or original. Oh the pressure! :o) And most often, I’m catching up on blog reading at 11:21ish, and all the cleverness has already gone to bed. So in very plain fashion, I’d just like to say…I think you’re rad. I’ve been reading your blog for over a year, and I <3 it. Thanks for being you, and always making me laugh, or cry, or both.

  6. 408

    Hey There!! I’m an Orlando Area Wedding + Lifestyle Photographer who’s found her way here by my amazing friend Mary (WhitePeachPhoto) participating in Instagram Fridays! My blog took a bit of a “hit” last year as life went and got crazy and I started to only have time to post the professional stuff. Insta Friday’s are a great way for me to have a weekly blog post that’s personal in nature — AND allow for those NOT only IG (really, they’re out there!) to have a look see at what Im doing!

    I’m originally from New Jersey, a HUGE Yankees fan — lover of my blue & white Mini Cooper, and a complete Disney Dork…which is often where you’ll find me + my boyfriend roaming on our days off from the real world. Life hasn’t been easy for me persay, but this has been an adventure of a lifetime…and one I’m not only thrilled to be one, but that continuously reminds me how lucky I truly am and how beautiful life really is. I look forward to “meeting” and interacting with you all!

  7. 409

    Just checking out your blog.
    Just getting started on my own.
    Just snagged the Instafriday button for this friday’s blog.


  8. 410

    just popped in cause it sounded interesting. I am a single mother of 4 and a school teacher- Just trying to manage this thing called life and to make it great! Have a wonderful week.

  9. 411

    This de-lurking thing is an awesome idea. Love it. Love what I’ve read so far elsewhere on your blog, as well.

    Like so many other blogs- no idea how I ended up here!
    Katherine@YeOldCollegeTry´s last blog post ..Room Time

  10. 413

    I SO love your blog but can’t recall how I happened upon it though. My office job is very slow so I’m am avid blog follower every day (no stalking, really). You write so well (so many bloggers do not). Love reading about your ups and downs, bargains and life. Plus, I’m totally in love with your baby Owen. He’s gorgeous. God bless.

  11. 414

    You are too funny! I came across your blog through Thirty Handmade Days and I’m instantly drawn to your honest & funny writing style. It’s refreshing to see a blog that’s more about connecting and encouragement than just a popularity contest. Sometimes it can feel that way…My name is Tabitha and I have two beautiful girls and one amazing husband! I live a blessed life that I do not deserve! I guess the rearrangement in my life is that I didn’t expect to be here, living this beautiful life. I’ve made big mistakes in my past and I was on the wrong path, but God in all His Glory has made a new path for me and has given me a second chance. I hope to live out a life of grace, honesty, mercy, love and forgiveness…..Heaven know’s I didn’t deserve it myself……Thanks for your lovely blog!
    Tabitha´s last blog post ..Classic Prudence #3

  12. 415

    Hello! I’m Racheal and I don’t blog but do LOVE reading them. I love reading yours and I think you are hysterical!! I have 3 beautiful kids and a wonderful husband so I enjoy the family antics you post so often. Your little guy, Owen… is such a doll, something so sweet and special about a smiley baby. You have a beautiful family and I’m happy that I stumbled upon you so I can be a virtual friend :)

  13. 416

    Awesome things here. I am very glad to see your
    article. Thank you so much and I am taking a look forward to contact you.
    Will you kindly drop me a mail?
    cheap airfare and car rental´s last blog post airfare and car rental

  14. 417

    Hi! I am de-lurking myself… I link up with you on Fridays and I grabbed a button because you crack me up! I really look forward to your posts. As a Mommy of three I love reading blogs from Mommies who understand. I used to think that cutting of the crust of my kids sandwiches was spoiling them way too much until I ran into your blog and realized that you are right. If I peel the crust off of my own sandwhich what is the difference if they don’t eat theirs. I might as well get them to eat more of the sandwich… Wow, really random… Anyway, I love your blog and I am so glad that I de-lurked myself. I love your humor and thanks for making a lot of my days brighter!

  15. 418

    Hello! I found your blog through The Pleated Poppy! I have linked up for InstaFridays for the past several weeks, but I have been reading your blog for some time now. Maybe a year or so. I love the stories about your kids. Though we have never met, I find it quite obvious that you have a heart for people – and I think we would be friends in life outside of the interwebs :) I’m a newbie stay-at-home mom…my husband of 6 years and I welcomed our little son into the world just 11 weeks ago. I left the corporate world and all of its pressures and stress to stay home with my little guy. It was the best decision I think I have ever made…besides the obvious ones – becoming a Christian, marrying my hubby, etc. :) Blessings!
    Erin´s last blog post ..Nursery REVEAL!!!

  16. 419

    Hi! Love your blog!

    I can’t wait to visit more often and to get involved. Thank you for what you’re doing!

  17. 420

    Just stumbled upon your blog and can’t stop reading! Love, love, love!

  18. 421

    Such a good idea. Comments make my day too! :)
    Oh and I love the instafriday! I am always snappin’ away with my cell phone. What an awesome way to share. Writing my first instafriday post right now!
    Andi´s last blog post ..Nothing Says I Love You Like….. Spinach?

  19. 422

    Hi there, I stumbled across you on instagram and enjoyed your pictures so checked out your blog today. I am a newly turned stay at home mom to my just about 1 year old spitfire. I am relatively new to the blogging scene as well and blog about mommyhood, exercise, love, and how the grace of Jesus holds me all together. I am enjoying “creeping” through your posts. God bless you and your family.

  20. 423

    Hello there! I stumbled across your blog somehow today and love that you’ve added this virtual guest book. I am a serial blog lurker. I’m relatively new to the blogging world and blog about my single 20-something lifestyle, diy, food, coffee, wine & knocking items off my Life List. I’ve only read a few of your posts so far but I really like your writing style and look forward to reading more!
    Erika´s last blog post ..Digital Organization: ‘Life Cleanse’ Day 2

  21. 424

    Just found your blog today! Love it so far, found it through which I found yesterday, also an excellent read. I’m an avid blog reader and just started my own blog in October which details our renovation projects on our newly purchased 60s home. Having fun with it so far!

  22. 425

    I met Lisa Leonard in Target and she said you were great.

    I am a mom and a wife. I am ridiculously unorganized and I want to get organized, because even though I “know” it isn’t true, I still think if my life looked more like Pintrest I would be happier. I have three kids. My middle child goes to SLOCA. My youngest has special needs. My oldest needs to launch.

    I have an idea.

    I run an organization called Brighten A Corner Ministry. We are story driven. We are a mini Extreme Home Makeover here on the Central Coast and we are gearing up for our fundraising event called BAND TOGETHER. It is a Battle of the Bands, and we sell food and auction prizes to raise money.

    What if an auction prize was a luncheon at my (RIDICULOUSLY IMPERFECT) home with some local, successful bloggers…to answer questions, inspire, commiserate. Thoughts? Would you consider it?

    Just an idea…


  23. 426

    I just found your blog thorugh Stumble Upon and love it. “Life doesn’t always go as planned. Help others anyway” — Brilliant! And so needed. I am a mom to 4 and thought I had a pretty wonderful family, then my life crashed in in a way that totally blindsided me. I was caught in a situation that no one talks about (husband had an affair, and after some counseling, I found out it was a sexual addiction that involved a lot more than that affair.) . I am not a blogger, but maybe I will get inspired to share more details. My life did not go as planned at all. But do you know what? I really appreciated all the people who helped any way when it was messy and awful and I was probably a pretty difficult person to talk to because sometimes I wasn’t even coherent as I processed it. My goal now is to reach out to other women who heartbreakingly find themselves in a similar circumstance.

  24. 427
    Gillian says:

    Hello – I found your blog yesterday and really enjoy your writing! Coincidentally, I also have a daughter who has epilepsy. I could so relate to your 911 post and the implications for siblings – wow.

  25. 428

    De-lurking. Love it. I pop in every so often but don’t usually comment (how creepy and sneaky of me). But I know the feeling of comment love well.
    Britta´s last blog post ..Too good to be true

  26. 429

    I’ve been “lurking” around your blog for a little while, linking up for instaFriday and all, and then tonight I just read your “Our Story” page. I could identify with much of your story.

    Our first daughter was born with one of those “multi-syllable” conditions that you talked about. (and BTW, I’m sorry you felt shunned by others who had it “worse” than your son…that’s just sad!) She was diagnosed at 23 weeks in utero with tricuspid atresia, transposition of the great vessels and a ventricular septal defect. Basically, she only has the left side of her heart and her pulmonary and aorta were hooked up backwards. She’s had three open heart surgeries and multiple cath surgeries but is going to be 10 this year and is doing awesome! We are insanely blessed.

    But during all the drama of her early years with surgeries, frequent doctors visits, a strange seizure disorder, etc., we find out I was expecting baby #2! It was a very difficult pregnancy…to sum it up I had major bleeding several times and they kept telling me I would miscarry our son any day. Well, then I developed a massive blood clot that completely surrounded the amniotic sac and my water ended up breaking at 28 weeks. Our oldest was only 20 months at this time! During labor I had a placental abruption and he and I were in bad shape. Thankfully they were able to get me from the L&D to the OR and have him out in THREE minutes. It was insane. God was so good and even though he was extremely sick at birth, he only spent 10 weeks in NICU and has long term effects from his prematurity. He’ll be 8 this summer.

    After that rollercoaster that was our first two children, the Lord blessed us with two more and both were healthy pregnancies and births. He’s so good like that!

    So yes, life rearranged. I know all about it! Thank you for sharing your story! =)


  27. 430

    ciao, i’m italian and i live on lake como. i get crazy with my blog…some readers but no comment. i speak basic english and i’m trying to understand this interesting and helpfull blog, thank u so much jeannet! i enjoy with u.
    i ‘m mom, wife and we have two boys .
    see u soon , saluti dall’italia, ciao!
    annalisa´s last blog post ..DOVE ANDARE E COSA VEDERE SUL LAGO DI COMO , OFFERTE

  28. 431

    Hello, just happened to see your blog about special needs parenting in Pinterest. I went to your blog site, read, and learned about your family’s story. I was particularly struck by your post about your sweet girl Jill. I was in tears while reading them. I also have a three year old girl who was epilepsy. I exactly know how it feels as I know it, I live it, and I breathe it. Thanks for sharing your story. I will be dropping by to check on new posts once in a while.


  29. 432

    I am introducing myself. name is Fay. I love visting your blog. I think you are way too funny. You say things that we all want to say but find ourselves holding back. I am a mother of two and would love to have more. I love reading about your kids and the cool things you do with them. The muffin tin lunches are my favorite. What a great idea. Talk to you later. Bye for now.

  30. 433

    I have two fundraisers. I just started them today. One is for my local Big Cat Sanctuary called Catty Shack Ranch in Jacksonville Fl. I love them so much because they take in Big Cats that either retired from performance or were previously owned by someone who couldn’t take care of them. All these animals were born in captivity so chances of survival in the normal environment is slim to known. I wanted to show my appreciation.
    The other fundraiser is for the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, whom is looking to build an animal sanctuary in Cali. I love everything they are involved in and highly admire Ian Somerhalder and everything he strives for.
    I want to start helping the World and help make changes!!
    Check them out and possibly give a donation or become a team member. So far I’m on my own and would love support or ideas.
    Thanks Everyone,
    Lauren Gallatin

  31. 434

    Hello –Beautiful Blog! I look forward to reading more.
    Cheryl Salinas´s last blog post ..As Promised

  32. 435

    Found you through a friend! I know the feeling of getting comments! They make my day when I see that someone has taken the time to read and respond to what I had to say! Have a hoot of a day! Amanda (or Mack as I am know on my blog)
    Amanda´s last blog post ..a new mommy adventure

  33. 436

    hi there. i’m lindsay. mama to three, three and under. i live in northwest ohio with my hubby of almost six years. we’re currently picking up the pieces after my husband lost his job last year just days after i announced my pregnancy. people told me that it was the hardest to go from one to two babies, but two to three has kind of done me in. i love baby marlo so, so much but man alive is this mama thing hard. it’s all i’ve ever wanted to do and most days i wonder if i’m doing it right. i have a degree in education, but have yet to use it properly. i’m not sure what i want to be when i grow up, so for now i care for my babies and aaron is back to work.
    lindsay´s last blog post ..Two Little Chickens

  34. 437

    What a great idea! Love your blog – I read it whenever I get a chance! I blog at , I have two little ones (6 and 9), and love using (and sharing) essential oils!
    Pam@behealthybehappywellness´s last blog post ..Composting Made Easy, and Fruit Fly &#8220;Trap&#8221;

  35. 438

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I love, love, love your blog! Just wondering if you designed it yourself????.

  36. 439

    this is genius. give her a big old wet kiss on the mouth from me for this idea, too! totally stealing it!

    *waves and runs off*
    melle@feathered ruffles´s last blog post ..Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

  37. 440

    I just stumbled upon your blog, and I love the fact that you encourage people to demystify themselves as well as their stories! Your Tagline is incredibly touching and I just wrote a post for next week about how its so simple just to help someone around you, yet it so rarely happens. I know you are doing amazing work through this blog, and I hope I can help you to be even more successful by following your blog regularly and being a participant.
    Victoria Glasel´s last blog post ..So Many Activities

  38. 441

    I’m not sure exactly why but this website is loading very slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I’ll
    check back later on and see if the problem still exists.
    computer coupons best buy´s last blog post coupons best buy

  39. 442


    I happened to find your blog through a friend’s posting on facebook and wowie am I happy I did! Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s nothing short of awesomesauce.

    Have a blessed day!!

  40. 443

    Hello. My name is Nancy. I’m the wife of one and stepmother to three (22, 19 & 17). I married later (age 42) and have no natural children. I am a technical writer and amateur photographer. I would love the opportunity to do a guest post on being a stepparent.
    Nancy´s last blog post ..Happy Birthday, Mom M!

  41. 444

    Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your article seem to be running off the screen in Internet explorer.

    I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with browser compatibility but I figured I’d post to let you
    know. The design look great though! Hope you get the issue resolved soon.
    orlando virtual office´s last blog post ..orlando virtual office

  42. 445

    Hi! Just topping by to say hello! Love your blog. Love linking up with insta-friday! :)

  43. 446

    I found your blog this morning bc a reader of mine suggested I link up my instagram post with you. :)
    I’m so glad I found your blog…I’ve snooped around for an hour now…thank God it’s Saturday morning!

    We have a common thread….I love stories, too.
    Your blog has blessed me this morning, as I’ve read through so many of the stories that you’ve featured….

    Thank you!

  44. 447

    I’m Elizabeth. I’m 22, a midwestern transplant to the southwest, all my by lonesome. Now, I have a GREAT boyfriend, three perfect pooches, and a house that I’m playing “adult” in. I blog about my expierences as a first time homeowner, DIYer, 1 broke girl, and other ramblings about life. I’m just trying to find my place in this world!

  45. 448

    Stumbled upon your beautiful and lovely blog today.
    Just wanted to say hi!
    You are the first blog I’ve linked up to for a link party.

    BTW, I’m Tina and a first time parent and some what a blogging newbie. I blog about all things that relate to being a mom and wife. I also offer free printables.

    Tina´s last blog post ..Friday Freebie

  46. 449

    So I’m officially “introducing” myself…and no longer skulkin’ around! I love your humor, how you keep it real and your faith…not necessarily in that order :)
    E´s last blog post ..Hittin’ the yard Part 1

  47. 450

    I am really glad to glance at this web site posts which carries plenty of useful
    data, thanks for providing these kinds of data.
    szybki internet´s last blog post ..szybki internet

  48. 451

    Stumbled upon your blog today. I love the idea of your InstaFriday link-ups! {your InstaFriday was the first link-up I ever did.}

  49. 452

    Hey Jeanette! Found you through Simple Mom. Love your blog! I was reading in your last Simple Mom post (about gardening and chickens) that you live in California. Are you Northern or Southern? I live in Northern…we just started a garden and it’s hecka terrible! Learning as we go!
    Rachael Alsbury´s last blog post ..Habit #2: Drink Your Water

  50. 453

    Just here for my first visit! Really enjoying the posts and the HEART behind this blog. I will be back (with or without stealth) and definitely plan on adding you to my “Awesome Blogs I Read” list. (It’s a mental list, with a little help from my WordPress reader.)
    Thanks for all you’re doing and sharing!!
    Katy´s last blog post ..Why You Need a Lindsay