De-Lurk Here

Why hellllllooooo there!

So, here’s the deal:

I know there’s a lot of you out there.

Don’t think I don’t have Google Analytics installed.

You think you’re sneaky, eh?

Reading my blog, sneaking out the backdoor to meet your other blog boyfriend?

Yeah, well, this mama ain’t dumb.

She hears that screendoor slam shut behind the three inch stillettos you can hardly walk in…

Actually, I totally understand.

I stalk blogs too.

The reality is that I often don’t have time to comment, or I feel like I don’t have anything to say (shocking), or I don’t have both hands free to actually type!

BUT, if you are a blogger, you know what I mean when I say that COMMENTS MATTER.

Honestly, they. make. my. day.

So, take this as a virtual guest book. Complete with a goofy feathered pen. And two little girls standing there supervising.

Take a sec, comment here, say hello, introduce yourself.

It’d make my day.

For reals.

Then you won’t feel so guilty when you think you’re being all stealth.

‘Cuz you’re totally not.

Just so you know.


(credit for de-lurk idea goes to gypsy mama!)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Latest posts by jeannett (see all)


  1. 151

    Hi! I absolutely love reading your blog. You are hilarious, heart-warming and just a blast to read. I am not a mom, I’m not a blogger, I’m just a single 25-year-old girl who found you through kelle hampton’s blog (I work with special needs children). I just wanted to stop by and de-lurk myself :)

  2. 152

    Hi Jeannett,
    You probably don’t remember me but we went to church together at Grace awhile back. We got married around the same time and I believe we were both in the newlyweds class. We’re Cal Poly alum too…Go Mustangs. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, I must admit. Just thought I’d finally say “Hi!”.
    Warmly, Nikki Dauphin

  3. 153

    Hi Jeannett~
    Thanks for moving over and making a space for me at Blissdom (publishing workshop). It was great meeting you there!! There, I’ve official de-lurked! ~Chris Ann
    LoveFeast Table´s last blog post ..BlogLove™- Blissdom- London Or Bust!

  4. 154

    I LOVE THIS IDEA for a page on your site!! I just started my blog a little less than a month ago and yes a comment is worth more than you can express you are SO right!! I am a lurker in places and wont be lurking anymore after reading this…I am coming out LOL

  5. 155

    Well, I’m following you on twitter – and you are following me as well, but I thought I’d make it official that I lurk you! :) How’s that?!?! :)


  6. 156

    i just came across your blog (um, where have i been?) and the whole concept of a life rearranged so resonates with me. i could say it is a theme of my life too. thank you so much for creating a space to share these beautiful stories – including your own.

  7. 157

    It has taken me a looong time to “de-lurk.” Sorry about that. I came across your blog when I was doing a google search on something twin-related when I was 20-some weeks pregnant. You see, I was pregnant with twin girls at the same time you were (yes, I’ve been reading for that long). I was just a few weeks ahead of you in my pregnancy and became a follower since I thought it was really cool to hear your take on some of the things we were both going through at practically the same time. I laughed so many times as I understood all too well the stares, the hugeness, etc. So, yours is the first blog that I got hooked on! And well after I delivered my girls, I was amazed that you were still going strong since I went into labor at 35.5 weeks. It was so fun to see those first pictures and find out the names you chose, one of which I happened to choose as well (Lucy). Since then, I’ve been happily reading along….. except, now, with your “help,” I’ve found my way to many other blogs. You could say I’m a bit of a bloggy fanatic these days. Anyway, thank you for providing many happy hours of reading! I love what you’re doing with your blog and how it has transformed since I first found you. Take care!

  8. 158

    Gosh I feel guilty for not introducing myself when I read word one!! Please do not hate me yet. Anyways, Hi!!

  9. 159

    What a completely wonderful idea! I’m de-lurking myself and saying hey! Love your blog. Always a great read. Keep it up!
    Eva´s last blog post ..In My Inbox

  10. 160

    Pretty sure I delurk a long time ago, but I thought I’d go ahead and say whassup.
    Jenni Carlisle´s last blog post ..Im moving

  11. 161
    Stephanie says:

    I just want to say that you are amazing and I love reading your blog.

  12. 162
    Kerrin Edmonds says:

    Just filled out your survey. So I already wrote a little bit about myself in the comments! Hark, I hear someone on the baby monitor. Gotta run. Love ya, mean it, bye!

  13. 163

    The name of the site caused me to click for the first time; your story will keep me coming back. As I was reading your story, I held my breath (truly); I thought I was ready my own story about my daughter Chloe. She too, was thought to have a heart mummer, but the her mummer was the result of tumors growing on her heart. She was diagnosed Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and in a single, paralyzing moment we realized that life was forever rearranged.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  14. 164

    Hi there! I’m Mollie. My husband I lost our daughter Allison in 2000. She was stillborn due to a uterine rupture while I was attempting a VBAC. I have never told my story online. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  15. 165

    Hi! i came across your blog today and a, so touched by your writing and most of all by your story and your heart to share. I am “grabbing a button” for my blog because I think yours is great! :) cant wait to share life with each other…blessings to you and yours today!
    Sarah´s last blog post ..fifteen months

  16. 166

    loving your blog, such an inspirational story you have .. such a beautiful family.

  17. 167

    Hi, you have a great site. Thk you. I am a soon to be single mother of 5 (w the divorce andthe birth of #5 just on the horizon). I am stuggling with how to move forward and was just as you called it blog stalking haha (love it). I now the kid and I will be great but it is still hard to move forward.. Anyway thank you for all you thoughts!!

  18. 168

    Hi there

    Just stumbled here from Jess’s blog. Lovely stuff here, and some truly amazing mothers.
    Keep up the good work.

  19. 169

    Hello! I have to admit I was “blog-stalking” from The Macs blog. The topic interested me as I have suffered through 4 miscarriages myself. Really like your style on here. Plan to re-visit :)

  20. 170

    What a beautiful story.. My children are grown now, my baby graduating from college in a month. You never stop worrying, loving laughing. People will tell you how time flies, it is so true…Enjoy every single second!

  21. 171

    So, I found your website through a friend’s recommendation of another website. Long story short, your website (as well as the others I have been stalking) came at the perfect time- just a week after my daughter was stillborn in the middle of March. I have spent way too many hours on the couch, reading through your story as well as your featured bloggers’ blogs. But, reading blogs is way cheaper than therapy. I am amazed at how many things you (and the other women) have written that I have felt, but have not been able to find the words for. I even copied some of your words into my own blog (please let me know if you are planning on suing for copyright infringement. I’ll remove it asap :) ).
    Thank you for your honesty, your openness, and the comfort that you have given me. I never wanted to be part of the “mothers who yearn to have their children back club” but I am honored to be a part of it with such incredibly women like yourself.

  22. 172

    I came to your blog through lurking on another blog;0. I love the series that your doing on infant loss and misscarriage. I thought i was alone with my grief. My story isn’t as traumatic as most of the others but it broke my heart and i almost didn’t have children out of choice. I had two miscarriages one at 12 weeks and one at 8 weeks and they were my first pregnancies. Well God blessed us and knew better than we did. I know have a 3.5 year old boy and 1.5 year old girl and am thinking about a 3rd. I have worried about how i would handle a 3rd loss and your series has helped me to realize that its so worth the risk. Even knowing them for a little while was beautiful.
    Thank You

  23. 173

    Hi! I am a new follower of your blog, I found it through another person’s blog. I am really enjoying your blog and can’t wait to read more and take a peek around.

    I have three daughters and 6 (possibly 7) angel babies.

    Feel free to check out my blog some time & have a Happy Easter!!

  24. 174
    Mary Elisabeth says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart! I too, have a precious son with special needs, Samuel. He is 6 and will melt your heart! He cannot talk, walk or even hold up his head, but he is a fighter!! He is the 3rd of 4 children. I also, had 2 miscarraiges after Samuel. They were each so very difficult, but God taught me so much through these trials!! Praying for you right now! May God richly bless your family and your ministry! Mary Elisabeth Cutliff

  25. 175

    hi! i found you through a comment someone made on fb about your insta friday link up. i really enjoyed your series about how you and your husband met and fell in love. i’m looking forward to reading more!

  26. 176

    I found your blog today through Jenny’s instagram post (@SIDAC) and just read through your “our story” page. A few things – 1) Our blog titles are way similar and that made me feel like we bonded in that quick way that normally only happens at a girly happy hour or maybe some sort of church camp. 2) We also have 3 kids 3 and under. Our twin boys (unexpected & glorious) were born (at 37.5 weeks and 13 pound total) when our daughter was 2 1/2. Much chaos has since ensued. 3) You said in your story that you aren’t a “twin mom” – not laid back and calm enough to handle the insanity. Looks like you’ve surprised yourself, because the ease and honesty with which you seem to share life is a beautiful thing.

  27. 177

    Ok, ok, you caught me. I’m new to commenting and blogging and yes, I do stalk. Often I’m surfing one-handed b/c I’m usually feeding my baby while reading blogs.

    I just found your blog yesterday and I’m excited about the instagram posts! I don’t have an iphone, but I still want to participate.

    Comments make my day too. :)

  28. 178

    Not sure how I found your blog, but it was through someone else I follow! (Sidebars = great idea!)

    I’m Kara, I’ve two children in my heart instead of my arms. DH and I lost our baby girl nigh on 3 years ago now (born 11-24-2008 at 17wks, due May 2, 2009 and we’ve no idea what went wrong). Our baby boy decided to do a U-turn and come out feet first instead of head first. It took too long for him to be born and that’s what killed him. (Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajor lack of oxygen during and after birth.) So here I sit, blogging about how to remember my children and their legacies instead of blogging about their accomplishments and stained clothing from mudpies.

    I work on an on-call basis for my employer, and have a small home business. All this ontop of living half the world away from my side of our family. (I’m in Oz, they’re stateside.) So you can imagine how much harder this is not having my flesh and blood nearby to collapse upon on the really bad days. That said, my inlaws are fantastic. Who else would be at our bedside moments after our son was born and skip out on work with a moments notice? That’s my MIL.

    So yeah, I lurk around here a bit. Stop by my blog?

  29. 179

    ^ our son’s 1st birthday is coming up this June 18th, so that’s a big thing to grapple with. Blogosphere, you’ve been warned! ;)
    Kara´s last blog post ..10 day you

  30. 180

    Hello hello! I am loving your kitchen re-do. We’re moving into a new-to-us house in 6 weeks and the kitchen is not ideal. Not terrible but not my style. Also they only have potlights…and a perfect spot for those barn light pendants above the island. Thanks for documenting all your hard work, I love oogling :)
    Naomi´s last blog post ..Meal Plan Monday

  31. 181

    I just got a pedi last weekend and mine is bright blue! I love to get blue…. it’s different and fun!

  32. 182

    I love your new web design. It’s beautiful and simple to use as well.

    Thank you for your current series. I had a miscarriage a year and a half ago and have since discovered that i have endometreosis. I’m trusting God for a miracle. Your blog is so helpful and encouraging. Thank you.

  33. 183
    Stephanie says:

    Just recently stumbled upon your blog…ever since I saw those pendant lights I have been hooked! I too have the contracter honey kitchen cabinets and have wanted to paint them white since we moved in four years ago! I showed my husband your make over and he may just be convinced! I love how you use your blog! I am not a blogger, but write a lot in my brain. Now to figure out how to get that down on paper or computer screen… I am amazed by these woman’s stories. They give me strength and remind me how lucky I am to have three healthy little boys here with me! God bless!

  34. 184

    I came across your site awhile back… forgot to bookmark! {eek!} and then stumbled on your doorstep again, thank goodness! Your strength, willingness to give back and story {and so many others who guest post} inspires me and I am sure so many other people. May God continue to bless you and your sweet family. Thank you!


  35. 185

    Out of curiosity, I followed a link from the NILMDTS page on Facebook and I’ve spent at least an hour here pouring over the posts and topics. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the fundraising work you are doing. I’m a volunteer photographer, area coordinator and certified trainer for NILMDTS in Kansas City. I know that our city is not alone in that we do not have enough volunteers to service every request. Each dollar that you raise will help another family along their journey toward healing by providing the much needed funds to help recruit and train new volunteers.

    With hope, healing and honor,
    Petra Herrmann
    Petra´s last blog post ..Being mommy to a princess is hard work…

  36. 186

    I just found your blog, and I love it! Awesome ideas, and so inspiring. Thank you for all you do!
    Heather´s last blog post ..Hes Got TalentYes He Does!

  37. 187

    Hi. Love your blog. I am a preschool special needs teacher and I have a blog at
    I loved reading your story and I love the way you explain it …its your life just a little rearranged!! Cant wait to follow along!
    lauren@warmandfuzzy´s last blog post ..Pintrest is a bad bad thing

  38. 188

    love. Love. LOVE your blog!! Find myself coming back and coming back…it’s like a little sanity check, ya know? thank you for writing out loud what i am thinking/feeling…having a family, career, and remaining sane is possible, but it’s not always easy…it is great to hear other people feel like me =) PLUS, you are funny. Good stuff, Jeannett…

  39. 189

    Well, hi there! I just stopped by…and will definitely be coming back! :)

  40. 190

    Hey, just stopped by for the day cause your blog was referenced by Lisa Leonard. Then I saw your De-lurk page and knew that I had been caught! I don’t insta gram but I may check back again and see what you are up to.

  41. 191

    I saved your blog in my favorites blog folder so I can visit more often! I don’t know much about subscribing and feeds and what not, so that’s how I visit people without google connect! :)
    Veronika´s last blog post ..Instagram

  42. 192

    Hi…I linked up with your blog from Joy’s Hope and I am so happy I did. I am a very new blogger and I understand completely about how important comments are. Especially with my measily one comment. I don’t lose hope however because God has a plan to use my gifts for His glory and in His time. I’m going to peek around your blog some more. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself.

  43. 193

    Hi there! I also hopped on over here from Joy’s Hope. My name is Dannii and I am from Melbourne, Australia. I love your blog and love reading your updates. You are so real, so genuine. Keep it coming!
    Dannii´s last blog post ..Insta-Friday!

  44. 194
    Bethany says:

    Hello there!
    I found this blog through Lisa Leonard. I read your story and it filled my heart with hope that even on my most stressful days as a mom, there are other fearless Christian warrior moms in even scarier trenches. I love your de-lurk link and thought I’d drop by. I bookmarked and I plan to follow along as time permits. Take care.

  45. 195

    I lurk through your blog all the time…hehe. I love blogs…even though they make my life seem boring. I admire your strength and realism. Thank you for allow us a glimpse into your life and inspiring us!
    Kimberly Kay´s last blog post ..Im Special

  46. 196

    So, I was about to click out and continue lurking elsewhere, when I saw the heading of this page – yup, got thumped on the head! Anyway – just wanted to introduce myself – I’m a baby-blogger. Yup, just started today, but I’d love to talk with you about posting at my new site sometime in the future when it’s a little more developed. It’s all about The Journey and living out Kingdom plans with our feet in His throne room. Blessings, sister.

  47. 197

    I recently found your blog through an insta-friday post and checked it out. Love your writing and your mission. Added you to my google reader and thought I’d say hi!

  48. 198
    deborah B says:

    hello. well this is a little embarrassing to admit, but here goes… I’m new to the blogging world. I truly had no idea it existed. No, I’m not Amish. We only just got internet a few months ago. We don’t have tv and it takes me longer to txt than my mother. I do love lattes, wear fitted jeans and own a little makeup. So there! Not Amish. But really out of touch.
    This blog makes me happy blogs exist. And that i finally know of their existence. I really enjoy your writing style and most importantly the values you hold and mission you are one. You are one encouraging sister and i can’t wait too follow your blog. I feel like a giddy lil girl. he he. thanks lovely lady :-) ~deborah

  49. 199

    Just found your blog and I am enjoying it. Julie from Joy’s Hope mentioned you and as they say…the rest is history.

  50. 200

    Don’t even remember how I got here. You know how it goes. I like you already though! And I really like your blog header. So cute!